Occasions: 25th day of Dhyl-Qa'dah

Contributed by rahmannejad on 26 Dec 2005 - 10:53 AM

25th day of Dhyl-Qa'dah

The 25th day of the lunar month of

Dhyl-Qa'dah is the day when the earth expanded from where Ka'bah

is located. This day is called Dahw-Ol-Arz and is considered so

blessed that fasting on it, is equivalent in value, to fasting

seventy years. Every being in heavens and earth prays for

forgiveness of any one fasting on this day. For a person fasting

on this day and praying in this night, 100 years of worshiping

shall be written...click on "Read more"


day of Dhyl-Qa'dah


25th day of the lunar month of Dhyl-Qa'dah is the day when

the earth expanded from where Ka'bah is located. This day is called

Dahw-Ol-Arz and is considered so blessed that fasting on it, is

equivalent in value, to fasting seventy years. Every being in heavens

and earth prays for forgiveness of any one fasting on this day. For a

person fasting on this day and praying in this night, 100 years of

worshiping shall be written. The Almighty God is Bounteous and

Merciful. The rewards which the Compassionate God offers for our

deeds are way more than what we have ever done. Once a person becomes

so humble that he realizes everything he has is from the loving God

and therefore becomes grateful and obeys the Wise and Benevolent God,

then God bestows His Blessings and Mercy upon him and showers him

with heavenly love. When a person does what God wants him, God tells

his angels that He is proud of His servant who has chosen freely to

serve Him. Words are incapable of explaining the pure and warm love

which one feels when he knows that his Compassionate Creator is

pleased. The 25th of Dhyl-Qa'dah is a heavenly opportunity

to experience this wonderful and celestial feeling. On such occasions

let us also take the time to think about our Creator who has created

the earth and everything in and on it which we depend so much upon

for our every day lives!
