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Series: Confessions of a British spy, With Shi'ah commentaries - I

Contributed by bineshan on 11 Oct 2008 - 10:42 PM

Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, the British spy to the Middle East is the title of a historical document which its surviving parts, were published in series (episodes) in the German paper 'Spiegel', and later on in a prominent French paper. A Lebanese doctor translated the document to the Arabic language and from there on it was translated to English and other languages.

This document reveals the true background of a Sunni sect invented in the early eighteenth century A.D., called the Wahhabi movement which was innovated by Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahhab and explains the numerous falsehood they have spread in the name of Islam and exposes their role of enmity towards the religion of Islam and towards Muslims at large; interestingly, it has been documented that Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahhab was descended from a Jewish family … .

The Wahhabists are ruling over Saudi Arabia right now, and the Taliban (Taalebaan) and the likes of Osama bin Laden (Laaden) are their illegitimate offspring.

The French's and German's intentions for exposing their British counterparts may have been due to their inner competition for gaining the most control over Muslims, not to mention the boasting, skepticism-arousing and suspicion-causing intentions of the arrogant British, (of course those who intentionally wish to harm others in order to gain more of this transient world, and not the regular unaware people -who incidentally, must become aware-), or whatever their intentions may be; in any case, the Muslims are advised to sincerely, patiently and steadfastly strive toward unity by CLINGING TO THE ROPE OF ALLAH -Qur'an and the AhlulBayt (PBUT), that as declared by Qur'an [3:103 {And cling all together to the Rope of Allah … .}, 3:112 {Ignominy shall be upon them wheresoever they are found, save (where they cling to) a Rope from Allah and a Rope from men … .}, …] and as declared by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) [Hadith Thaqalain {Surely I am leaving among you two weighty things, the Book Of Allah and my AhlulBayt; and if you cling to them both, you shall NEVER go astray after me; and certainly those two are absolutely INSEPARABLE until they shall enter to me by the Hawd (the Pool of Abundance in Heaven).}, … Shi'ah documents: Behaar-Ol-Anwaar, Wasaa'el-O-Shi'ah, …; Sunni documents: Saheeh Moslem, Sonan Termadhi, …], are absolutely not to be considered separated from one another until the Judgment Day-. And therefore, Muslims are to be aware, intelligent and cautious.



Hempher says:

Our Great Britain is very vast. The sun rises over its seas, and sets, again, below its seas. Our State is relatively weak yet in its colonies in India, China and Middle East. These countries are not entirely under our domination. However, we have been carrying on a very active and successful policy in these places. We shall be in full possession of all of them very soon. Two things are of importance:

1- To try to retain the places we have already obtained;

2- To try to take possession of those places we have not obtained yet.

The Ministry of Colonies assigned a commission from each of the colonies for the execution of these two tasks. As soon as I entered the Ministry of Colonies, the Minister put his trust in me and appointed me the administrator of the company of East India. Outwardly it was a company of trade. But its real task was to search for ways of taking control of the very vast lands of India.

Our government was not at all nervous about India. India was a country where people from various nationalities, speaking different languages, and having contrasting interests lived together. Nor were we afraid of China. For the religions dominant in China were Buddhism and Confucianism, neither of which was much of a threat. Both of them were dead religions that instituted no concern for life and which were no more than forms of addresses. For this reason, the people living in these two countries were hardly likely to have any feelings of patriotism. These two countries did not worry us, the British government.

Yet the events that might occur later were not out of consideration for us. Therefore, we were designing long term plans to wage discord, ignorance, poverty, and even diseases in these countries. We were imitating the customs and traditions of these two countries, thus easily concealing our intentions.

What frazzled our nerves most was the Islamic countries. We had already made some agreements, all of which were to our advantage, with the Sick Man (the Ottoman Empire). Experienced members of the Ministry of Colonies predicted that this sick man would pass away in less than a century. In addition, we had made some secret agreements with the Iranian government and placed in these two countries statesmen whom we had made masons. Such corruptions as bribery, incompetent administration and inadequate religious education, which in its turn led to busying with pretty women and consequently to neglect of duty, broke the backbones of these two countries. In spite of all these, we were anxious that our activities should not yield the results we expected, for reasons I am going to cite below:

1- Muslims are extremely devoted to Islam. Every individual Muslims is as strongly attached to Islam as a priest or monk to Christianity, if not more. As it is known, priests and monks would rather die than give up Christianity. The most dangerous of such people are the Shiites in Iran. For they put down people who are not Shiites as disbelievers and foul people. Christians are like noxious dirt according to Shiites. Naturally, one would do one's best to get rid of dirt. I once asked a Shiite this: Why do you look on Christians as such? The answer I was given was this: "The Prophet of Islam was a very wise person. He put Christians under a spiritual oppression in order to make them find the right way by joining Allah's religion, Islam. As a matter of fact, it is a State policy to keep a person found dangerous under a spiritual oppression until he pledges obedience. The dirt I am speaking about is not material; it is a spiritual oppression which is not peculiar to Christians alone. It involves Sunnites and all disbelievers. Even our ancient Magian Iranian ancestors are foul according to Shiites."

I said to him: "Well! Sunnites and Christians believe in Allah, in Prophets, and in the Judgment Day, too; why should they be foul, then?" [*] He replied, "They are foul for two reasons: They impute mendacity to our Prophet, Hadrat Muhammad may Allah protect us against such an act! And we, in response to this atrocious imputation, follow the rule expressed in the saying, If a person torments you, you can torment him in return', and say to them: 'You are foul.' Second; Christians make offensive allegations about the Prophets of Allah. For instance, they say: Isa (Jesus) 'alaihis-salam' would take (hard) drinks. Because he was accursed, he was crucified."

In consternation, I said to the man that Christians did not say so. "Yes, they do," was the answer, "and you don't know. It is written so in the Holy Bible." I became quiet. For the man was right in the first respect, if not in the second respect. I did not want to continue the dispute any longer. Otherwise they might be suspicious of me in an Islamic attire as I was. I therefore avoided such disputes.

[Due to distortions and interpolations in the current available Bible many offensive allegations about Prophets (PBUT) exist in the Bible, such as the Prophet Noah (PBUH) getting drunk and naked (book of genesis, ch. 9), the daughters of Prophet Lot (PBUH) getting their father drunk and sleeping with him (book of genesis, ch. 19), the Prophet Jesus (PBUH) turning water to wine in a marriage party as a miracle (gospel of John ch. 2), and …; for more information in this regard, we cordially invite you to read the article: "Scientists' views" in the site

As commanded by God in Qur'an, every Muslim should love and honor the Prophet Jesus (PBUH) as well as all Prophets (PBUT), and must consider him and all Prophets (PBUT) infallible and clean from all false allegations and accusations, and should believe in their true teachings (prior to distortions), including Jesus' teachings through which he (PBUH) gave the Glad Tidings of Muhammad and his AhlulBait (PBUT) and commanded their (PBUT) obedience; but as it is clearly stated in Qur'an and verified by historical and Christian documents, his (PBUH) teachings have been distorted and what is available today in the Bible is not his (PBUH) complete and original teachings, rather they are mostly the false teachings of a usurper named Paul -who usurped the Divinely bestowed Right of the Allah-Chosen Successor of the Prophet Jesus, Hadrat Sham'oon Safa (Simon Peter), and he and his followers throughout history, have made many false accusations against Sham'oon to make him look bad and sometimes inferior, and therefore have distorted the pure teachings of the Prophet of Allah, in order to fulfill personal and worldly desires-. For a sample of the Shi'ah view, we cordially invite you to read the debate: "What the Bible says about Muhammad, Parts I thru V" in the site: with all Shi'ah comments and recommended links and articles in this debate. Also, the article: "The Ummi Prophet, illiterate or not! Parts I & II" which its link is provided in the aforementioned debate, is an example of the view of the Shi'ah in regard to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP), in comparison to the view of the Sunni as stated in the debate; sadly -as prophesied by the Prophet of Islam himself- the Divinely bestowed Right of his Allah-Chosen Successors -Gifted and Chosen individuals whose major responsibility has always been to protect the Word of Allah after the Prophets (PBUT)- was also usurped and as the direct result, many Sunni sects were created after the Prophet (PBUH&HP) and then one century after the Prophet, the Sunni limited the sects and only allowed four, the four which are today the four major human-created Sunni sects, while the Imam of the Shi'ah -Hadrat Ali (PBUH)- was even the Prophet's minister during the Prophet's life. Still, the Shi'ah consider the Sunni as Muslims, and the Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians as the adherents to the Book, and therefore observe and respect all the defined rights provided for them in the Shari'at (Religious laws). But, the Shi'ah with no compromise, in order to keep the true essence of the Religion of Allah alive, as directed by Qur'an -which has mentioned the conspiracies of Unbelievers and Monaafeqoon (hypocrites) during and after Prophets' (PBUT) lives, specially the conspiracies during the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), in surahs 9, 63, …- have been divulging the conspiracies after the Prophet (PBUH&HP) -whether the usurpation conspiracies which happened right after the Prophet, or later conspiracies, such as this story-; and the devoted Shi'ah have been upholding the undistorted Truth, until the manifestation of the Truth through the Appearance of the Ever-Anticipated Savior, Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his Appearance). To better comprehend the significance and importance of this upholding of the Truth, we cordially invite you to read the debate: "Fatima (PBUH) and Imamat" in the site]

2- Islam was once a religion of administration and authority. And Muslims were respected. It would be difficult to tell these respectable people that they are slaves now. Nor would it be possible to falsify the Islamic history and say to Muslims: The honor and respect you obtained at one time was the result of some (favorable) conditions. Those days are gone now, and they will never come back.

3- We were very anxious that the Ottomans and Iranians might notice our plots and foil them. Despite the fact that these two States had already been debilitated considerably, we still did not feel certain because they had a central government with property, weaponry, and authority.

4- We were extremely uneasy about the Islamic scholars. For the scholars of Istanbul and Al-adh-har, the Iraqi and Damascene scholars were insurmountable obstacles in front of our purposes. For they were the kind of people who would never compromise their principles to the tiniest extent because they had turned against the transient pleasures and adornments of the world and fixed their eyes on the Paradise promised by Qur'an al-karim. The people followed them. Even the Sultan was afraid of them. Sunnites were not so strongly adherent to scholars as were Shiites. For Shiites did not read books; they only recognized scholars, and did not show due respect to the Sultan. Sunnites, on the other hand, read books, and respected scholars and the Sultan.

We therefore prepared a series of conferences. Yet each time we tried we saw with disappointment that the road was closed for us. The reports we received from our spies were always frustrating, and the conferences came to naught. We did not give up hope, though. For we are the sort of people who have developed the habit of taking a deep breath and being patient.

The Minister himself, the highest priestly orders, and a few specialists attended one of our conferences. There were twenty of us. Our conference lasted three hours, and the final session was closed without reaching a fruitful conclusion. Yet a priest said, "Do not worry! For the Messiah and his companions obtained authority only after a persecution that lasted three hundred years. It is hoped that, from the world of the unknown, he will cast an eye on us and grant us the good luck of evicting the unbelievers, [*] from their centers, be it three hundred years later. With a strong belief and long-term patience, we must arm ourselves! In order to obtain authority, we must take possession of all sorts of media, try all possible methods. We must try to spread Christianity among Muslims. It will be good for us to realize our goal, even if it will be after centuries. For fathers work for their children."

[* Ironically, Mr. Hempher had previously said: "Well! Sunnites and Christians believe in Allah, in Prophets, and in the Judgment Day, too; why should they be foul, then?", then their own priest said: "It is hoped that, from the world of the unknown, he (Jesus) will cast an eye on us and grant us the good luck of evicting the unbelievers (Muslims) from their centers … ."; i.e. as the priest confessed, it is the Christians who consider the Muslims -who believe in Allah and Jesus (PBUH)- , as unbelievers!!!]

A conference was held, and diplomats and religious men from Russia and France as well as from England attended. I was very lucky. I, too, attended because I and the Minister were in very good terms. In the conference, plans of breaking Muslims into groups and making them abandon their faith and bringing them round to belief (Christianizing them) like in Spain was discussed. Yet the conclusions reached were not as had been expected. I have written all the talks held in that conference in my book "Ila Malakut-il-Masih."

It is difficult to suddenly uproot a tree that has sent out its roots to the depths of the earth. But we must make hardships easy and overcome them. Christianity came to spread. Our Lord the Messiah promised us this. The bad conditions that the east and the west were in, helped Muhammad. Those conditions being gone, have taken away the nuisances that accompanied them. We observe with pleasure today that the situation has changed completely. As a result of great works and endeavors of our ministry and other Christian governments Muslims are on the decline now. Christians, on the other hand, are gaining ascendancy. It is time we retook the places we lost throughout centuries. The powerful State of Great Britain pioneers this blessed task of annihilating Islam.

To be continued …