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Friday Messages | Miscellaneous

Friday Messages: Prerequisite for Hajj

Contributed by bineshan on 07 Dec 2008 - 12:24 PM

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) has said:

Anyone who denies the Qaa'em from my offspring during his Occultation, dies a death of Jaaheliyah (preIslamic ignorance).

(Behaar-Ol-Anwaar, Ekhtesaas, Montakhab-Ol-Athar, …)

It is the Hajj season again, and all pilgrims should pray that Allah may accept their Hajj; after all the greatness of Hajj, is Allah's acceptance, not the great number of people present at the ceremonies!

The rituals and the conditions and prerequisites for acceptance of Hajj are not things that pilgrims are to make up for themselves, rather they are Allah Ordained and have been taught to Believers by the Prophet of Allah (PBUH&HP) as the representative of Allah.

The Holy Prophet and his AhlulBayt (PBUT) have taught us from Qur'an that without the acceptance of the Allah-Ordained "walaayat" ("Wilayat"), no deed is accepted; in this regard, we cordially invite you to read the article: "O' God!" in the site

Also, here we have presented another beautiful and profound Hadith from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) in which he has emphasized that without believing in his Mahdi (PBUH), a person at time of leaving this world, will not even be considered with Islam, let alone with accepted obligatory duties of Islam such as Hajj.

O' our beloved Mahdi (PBUH)! In this sad and lonely Era of Occultation which our loving Prophet (PBUH&HP) had also prophesied about, you are the lord of Hajj, you are the heart and spirit of Ka'bah; you are the Allah-Chosen witness to every one's Hajj in this glorious and celestial season; it must break your loving heart to watch so many who have disobeyed Allah and their Hajj is only a body without spirit … .

We humbly extend our most sincere felicitations to our beloved Imam (PBUH) for his perfect Hajj, and to those who hope in their hearts that their Hajj may also be accepted through the "walaayat" of their Imam, and also to those who are not in Mecca but their hearts are there.

'Eed Mobaarak