Friday Messages: Golden Key

Contributed by bineshan on 14 Mar 2009 - 11:34 AM

On the very auspicious occasions of birth anniversaries of the most beautiful and perfect creation of Allah, the most kind and benevolent Hadrat Muhammad (PBUH&HP), and his Allah-Chosen sixth Successor, the manifestation of Divinely Bestowed Knowledge, Hadrat Saadeq, Ja'far son of Muhammad (PBUT), we wish to offer those who truly love and follow them, a celestial Golden Key decorated with the heavenly white ribbon of Ever-Anticipated Peace, and celestial blue bows of True Monotheism and Justice.

While the time of Appearance is not prefixed and no one except Allah knows when it shall occur, but Imam Saadeq (PBUH) has given us a Golden Key which can open the dark door of Occultation, sooner rather than later! In a lengthy Hadith, the Imam has mentioned that when the hardships of Bani-Israel, being captured under the rulership of Pharaoh of Egypt, became too long and intolerable, for forty consecutive mornings, they cried and prayed wholeheartedly and implored Allah to hasten the Promised Relief. Hence, Allah communicated with Hadrat Moosa and Hadrat Haaroon (PBUT) through Divine Revelations, and commanded them to go to Egypt and free the Bani-Israel from their calamity. In this manner, as the result of their sincere supplication and repentance, Allah reduced one hundred and seventy years from the previously ordained four hundred years of hardship (due to their disobedience and …).

Now here is the Golden Key for you and us:

Then Imam Saadeq (PBUH) continued and addressed the followers of Hadrat Muhammad (PBUH&HP), if you too, do cry and pray to Allah, Allah -Sobhaanahoo Wa Ta'aala- shall draw near the Faraj of Mohammad and his AhlulBayt (PBUT), i.e. the Appearance of Hadrat Mahdi (PBUH). But Imam Saadeq (PBUH) also warned that if we do not do so, then this hardship will continue to its very end! (Behaar-Ol-Anwaar, vol. 13; Tafsir 'Ayyaashi; …)

Let us firstly, very seriously, consider the great power of praying; and then think about this very profound Hadith. In order for us to truly seek his (PBUH) Emergence and therefore cry and pray wholeheartedly, perhaps we should first realize and feel the pain deeply.

When we see people, even the Shi'ah, taking religion lightly, saying that obedience is not necessary and loving hearts are sufficient (for more information in this regard, we cordially invite you to read the article: "True love" in the site [1]), this is pain; if we truly love Mohammad and his progeny (PBUT) and consider their teachings as commands of Allah and thus the most perfect, and therefore seek the return of the True Islam, then this is a heartbreaking pain.

When indecencies are considered as normal behavior and even the Believers who observe decencies, without feeling uneasy or sad go to gatherings, parties, restaurants and … where for instance alcohol is being served, music and dancing is performed, and …, this is a heartbreaking pain.

When Believers, without being bothered from watching unmarried men and women laughing together, having all sorts of relationships, and …, and yet the Believers maintain close relations with such people and thus in fact confirm their behavior, this is a heartbreaking pain.

At a time when many imperfect teachings of irreligious which are in clear contradiction with the pure teachings of the Prophet and the AhlulBayt (PBUT), are considered as great, this is a heartbreaking pain.

When even the Shi'ah who are clearly instructed through the Hadith Thaqalain and …, not to ever consider Qur'an and the AhlulBayt (PBUT) separate, instead of seeking Knowledge and Gnosis of Qur'an only from the AhlulBayt (PBUT) are following man-designed philosophic, gnostic and mystic systems which are all based on pagan beliefs, this is a heartbreaking pain.

When injustice, power and money are the names of the game, this is a heartbreaking pain.

And perhaps for those who truly love Mahdi (PBUH) and know that he is the manifestation of all that is perfect, beautiful, sincere, pure and …, just being away from him is a heartbreaking pain, or thinking about their beloved's broken heart which is broken from hardships and deviations of the Shi'ah, is a heartbreaking pain, and … .

Let us stop and think, how much sin, indecency, injustice, deviation and …, are happening today all around the world? How many people may make the final decision of taking the wrong spiritual path and therefore facing eternal perdition, today? How many children are being conceived or born out of sin today? How many people are being killed unfairly today? How many people are hungry today? How many do not have a decent place to live today? How many children are becoming orphans today? How many do not have enough to wear today? … Imagine even if our sincere supplications and cries, draws the Appearance of our beloved Mahdi (PBUH) closer only for 24 hours, how much sin, deviation, hardship and …, will be prevented in that reduced 24 hours of Occultation?!!!

And, on the other hand, if we do not truly seek him, every 24 hours that his glorious Appearance could have happened sooner, how much wrong doing, sin, deviation and … are happening which we could have had a part in preventing it?!!!

Truly, isn't preventing sins, deviations, hardships and …, an Allah-Pleasing deed?

Of course, this is only one benefit of seeking our beloved's (PBUH) Emergence … .
