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Friday Messages | Lady Fatimah

Friday Messages: The wage of the Prophetic Mission of the Last Divine Prophet (PBUH&HP)

Contributed by bineshan on 18 May 2010 - 10:25 AM

The wage of the Prophetic Mission of the Last Divine Prophet (PBUH&HP)

“… Say [O Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP)!]: No wage I ask you [the people] for it [my Mission], except the ‘Mawaddah’ [loving and following] of ‘Al-Qorba’ [The Near Kin].” (Qur’an, Surah 42: Verse 23)

Say [O Prophet!]: No wage I ask you [the people] for it [my Mission] except he who has willed to take a Path towards his Lord.” (Qur’an, Surah 25: Verse 57)

Say: That wage which I have asked you, that therefore is for yourself [for your own good]; my Reward is not but upon Allah. And He is the Witness over all things.” (Qur’an, Surah 34: Verse 47)

When I heard the uproar at the DOOR, I said to myself, “Finally these people have remembered their Prophet’s progeny and their grief!” For, after the Prophet’s demise, those usurpers had left father -the Prophet’s Successor by Allah’s Command - in the Prophet’s shrouding and burial, and instead, contrary to Allah’s and the Prophet’s Command, had gathered in the “Saqifah” to choose a successor among themselves! I said to myself, “Perhaps my mother’s, the Prophet’s daughter’s, Sermon in the Mosque [the Fadak Sermon] has awakened the people and they have got together to support her against the usurpers.”

I thought, “At last they remembered that the Prophet’s progeny are in mourning. Surely they have come to console us; certainly they have remembered their Prophet’s commands and wills about Fatemah and Ali; that he had said: “Fatemah is a part of me, whoever makes her happy has made me happy and whoever makes her angry has made me angry.” (1); and that he had said: “Ali is your Mawla (lord and master).” (2); “Ali is my Successor.” (3) and “he is the Amir-ol-mo’menin (the Commander of all Believers).”(4) …

I thought perhaps they had come to comfort mother and to again swear allegiance to father who was now their Allah-Chosen lord and master; to express their obedience to this Word of Allah about having “Mawaddah” (affection and obedience) toward the Prophet’s AhlolBayt.

But the harsh sounds of the hard knockings at the DOOR made my heart beat faster and faster. Those spiteful knockings, yells and cries had no fragrance of kindness, affection and the “Mawaddah” which was the Command of Qur’an.

Behind the DOOR ‘Omar shouted: “O ibn AbiTaaleb! Open the door! Swear by God, I’ll burn the house! O Ali! Come out and accept what Muslims have agreed on, otherwise we‘ll kill you.” (5)

I couldn’t believe. How could these people attack the house of their Prophet’s daughter and so rudely threat his AhlolBayt to death! They had agreed on what?! Were they not the same people who, in Ghadir Khom, had salaamed and addressed Ali Mortaza with the Allah-Bestowed title of AmirolMo’menin and sworn allegiance to him?! Was it not this very same ‘Omar who had said to father: “felicitations to you Abalhassan, now you have become my Mawla (lord and master) and the Mawla of all believers.”?! Now, how could they threat their Allah-Chosen Mawla and address him so shamelessly and impolitely!

My breath was shortened. I was worried and fearful of what was going to happen.

You- the Prophet’s beloved- went behind the DOOR and said: “You! The astray ones! The deniers of Allah and the Prophet! What do you want from us?”

Omar madly shouted: “Tell Ali to come out. If he doesn’t come out I’ll burn this house upon your heads.” (6)

You said: “O ibn Khattaab! You! want to burn my house?!”

He wildly shouted: “Yes.” (7)

You- the joy of the Prophet’s holy heart- wept and said: “O Lord! We express our pain and sorrow to You, regarding the absence of the Chosen Prophet, his Omat’s revolt and animosity against us and their preventing us from the Right which You have determined for us in Qur’an.”

Omar yelled out such insults to the Prophet and his AhlolBayt … that Ears and Eyes didn’t believe what they heard and saw!

At last, they burnt the DOOR. And through the veil of tears I saw you holding the half-burnt DOOR, preventing them from entering. Suddenly the sound of a whip which wound around your arm shook my whole existence. You wailed. I didn’t know what to do. ‘Omar kicked the DOOR and opened it harshly. I was crying and running to you when ‘Omar entered the house and with the cruelest stroke full of rage and hatred pressed you- the fruit of the Prophet’s heart- between the DOOR and the wall … .(8)

You- the prophet’s flower- heaved a heart-rending sigh, and me, too.

You- the light of the Prophet’s eyes- wept, and me, too.

The DOOR nail went into your chest, you- the fruit of the Prophet’s heart-, and I felt the pain in my broken heart.

You- the pillar of the Religion of Allah- fell down on the ground, and I sat down, too.

You called Fezzah and said: “Come and help, swear by Allah they killed my son … .” (9)

And the tears were rolling down my face as I was thinking, “How long have we been waiting for this child’s birth … How many moments have I been counting to finally see and hug him … .

For seconds the world stopped for me as I shut my eyes. The sounds of weeping and cries, and the clamor of the flames had mixed together. Suddenly the sound of a harsh slap opened my eyes; and I couldn’t believe my eyes which saw your earring that kissed the earth before your feet.

Each second was longer than a life time, then in the midst of those dark moments the sounds of father’s firm foot steps cooled my burning heart. He marched to the DOOR angrily and with red eyes; he overawed them by a Heydaric rage. He seized ‘Omar by his collar and struck him to the ground.

We all took a breath of relief. All the people knew that no enemy ever had any hope of escape from those Kheybar-opener hands. But, but He just shouted: “O you ibn Sahhaak! If it was not for what Allah had written for me and the promise that the Prophet had taken of me, you know that you would have never dared to enter my house.” And he released that coward dastard.

Alas! Alas! The Amir-al-mo’menin was ordered to patience and tolerance, and he was a man who made patience and tolerance weary!

It was so difficult for every one to accept that those hyenas could throw a rope around the neck of the Lion of the Badr battlefield. It was so difficult to accept that those low so-called men could hurt, with whip and sword sheath, the beloved flower of the man for whom “La Fata” was revealed; but the Divine Command of Allah and His Prophet, the survival of the Truth- the True Religion of Allah-, humankind’s Everlasting Salvation, and Allah’s Pleasedness were at stake … .

You- Zahra Marziyah- were his only support after the Prophet. And, when the spiteful lashes wounded and injured you, they pulled father out of the house of the Prophet. We didn’t know whether to hurry and help you or run after him; “O Our Lord! What are we to do?”. (10)

But, in spite all your pains and sufferings, you rose and went after him. Heads turned and eyes gazed at you. You placed the Prophet’s cloak on your head and took his grandsons’ hands. You touched every heart and soul with a heart breaking cry and said: “Swear by Allah, if you don’t let go of Ali, I will go by my father’s grave ,scatter my hair, rend my collar and wail before Allah. And, know that the Prophet Saaleh was not dearer to Allah than my cousin Ali, and neither was the she-camel than me, and nor was her baby-camel than my sons.”

But father advised you to be patient lest you cursed. And, you by the Command of the Infallible Imam of your time, turned back home and said: “I shall remain patient.”

My beloved mother, now that I am seeing off your dead body, I don’t know for which grief should I shed tears; for your black-and-blue arm? Your broken side? Your bruised cheek? Or for your aborted six-month baby?

I don’t know whether to cry for your pains, or for father’s toils in burying you?

O mother- the lonely oppressed flower of the Prophet’s celestial garden-! What made father impatient in your ablution, cut the string of our lives. Curse be upon him who didn’t respect and honor the Prophet’s only pearl.

Ah! Alas! These ignorant people did not wish to realize that if they had not crawled into dark cellars of self-indulgence and comfort-seeking, people of the world would not had to suffer a dark night for a long time. Curse be upon them who breached their promise and turned their backs to their Allah-Chosen lord and master. I wish they knew which shelter they had sought, to which rope they had clung, and from which Household they had preceded.

I wish these people knew that the oppression imposed today upon the AhlulBayt of the Last Divine Prophet is the base of a malevolent mill that will crush the humans’ bones under the rotation of its apparatus. I wish they knew that the wage Allah Commanded for the Prophet’s Mission was for their own benefit. I wish they knew that the Commanded Mawaddat was for guiding and helping people not to lose the Strait Path. Curse be upon those blind-hearted people who ungratefully rejected Allah’s most valuable Bounty and thus condemned humankind to a longtime captivity in the dark prison of ignorance, corruption and oppression.

When ‘Omar and Abu-Bakr came to visit you when you were on your sickbed, and pretended to ask forgiveness, you- whose anger and pleasedness, as clarified by the Prophet, caused Allah’s Wrath and Pleasedness(11)- turned your head to the wall and said: “I call Allah and His angels to witness that you made me angry and didn’t please me; when I’ll visit the Prophet I will complain about you”.

You then turned to AbuBakr and said: “Swear by Allah, in every Salaah that I’ll perform, I shall curse and la’n you.” (12)

You also expressed your will to father, asked him to bury you at night and hide your grave lest they attend and pretend to pray on your grave. (13)

Now, my dear mother- the Prophet’s only pearl and Ali’s beloved flower- we are burying you at night and will hide your grave. But we seek refuge with Allah from the days after you! From the hardships these people will impose on the Amir-al-mo’menin (the Commander of all Believers), the Sayyed-al-Wasiyeen (the master of all Successors of Prophets), Imam-al-Mottaqin (the Leader of all the pious), Ali Mortaza! From the loneliness of Hasan and of the sufferings of Hosain! … From the sad Occultation of Mahdi! And …

I wish the sky would fly away tonight, and the earth would pack up and leave, and Zaynab would never take another breath in the air that you do not breathe in … .



1) This Hadith, with this content in different words, exists in both Shia and Sunni books:

Some of the Shia documents: Al-Imamiyeh Wa Tashrih-al-e’teqad VI, p 105; Amali Sadooq p 104 and 113; Amali Mofid p 260; Behar-al-anwar V23 p 234and V43 p 39; Ershad-al-qoloob ela thawab V2 p 232 and …

Some Sunni documents: Sahih Moslem, Tradition No.4483; Sonan Termadhi VII P319; Mosnad Hanbal V IV p 5; Mostadrak Neyshaboori VIII p 159 ; Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid 16/281 and …

2) The Ghadir Sermon; “whoever I was his Mawla then this Ali is his Mawla” is a definite and Motewaater Hadith for both Shia and Sunni.

3) The Ghadir Sermon. Some of the Sunni documents of this statement of the Ghadir Sermon: Tarikh Tabari VII p 320 (1172/1); Kanz-al-ommal V13 p 114 H36371 and p 133 H 36419; Fara’ed-al-semtain VI p54 ch5 H19 and VII p 243 ch47 H517 and …

4) The Ghadir Sermon

5) al-hedaya al-kobra p 406; Behar-al-anwar V53 p 18

6) Behar-al-anwar V30 p293; Book of Solaym 83-84, 250

7) Sunni Ansab al-ashraf VI p586

8) Noting to this point that those Hadithes that contain excellences and virtues of lady Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her) have been stated widely in Shia’s books; here we just present one sample of these traditions stated by the Prophet Mohammad(Peace Be Upon Him & His Progeny) about the virtues of Lady Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her) that also exists in the books authentic for the Sunnis:

Joweyni- one of the highly trusted Sunni religious figures- has stated a hadith by Prophet Mohammad(Peace Be Upon Him & His Progeny)about Lady Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her) in his book “Fara’ed-al-semtayn” :

And about my daughter Fatemah; she is surely the master of all ladies of the all worlds from past and future; and she is a part of me and she is the light of my eyes and she is the fruit of my heart. And she is my soul and spirit between my two sides. And she is a (heavenly) Huriyah who is like Human. Whenever she stands before her Lord in her adytum of praying, her light shines for the angels of the sky as the light of stars of the sky shines for people on earth. At this time Allah, Honored and Glorified, says to His angels: O My angels! Look at Fatemah, master of my servants, who stands before me while her sides and shoulders tremble from my awe and has come to worship Me with her heart. I call to witness you, the angels, that I have surely saved her Shias from the Fire … .

9) Some of the Shia documents: Al-hedaya al-kobra p 178-179 and 407; Behar-al-anwar V53 p19 and V30 p294; Book of Solaym p 85; Ehtejaj p 83; Amali Sadooq p114; Behar-al-anwar 101/44 and …

Some of the Sunni documents: Fara’ed al-semtayn Joweyni VII p 35 and …

10) Some of the Shia documents which have stated the events of the attack to lady Fatemah Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her)’s house:

The book of Solaym p82,128,134,249,257; Behar-al-anwar V22 p333,351,479; V28 p227,231,250-252,266,267,297-300,306; V29 p468,469; V30 p302,303; V43 p93; V48p197,243; Kafi VI p281,458,460; V8 p124,237,245,…; Ehtejaj VI p73-75,80-89,150,178,212,271,278; Al-Ghaibat No’mani p47,48; Tafsir Ayyashi VI p 199;VII p66,68,307,308; Amali Mofid p49,50; Kamel Bahayi VI p312; Awalem al-oloom V11 p570,592; Bayt al-ahzan Mohaddeth Qomi p94,160; and …

some of the Sunni documents which have stated the events of the attack to lady Fatemah Zahra (Peace Be Upon Her)’s house:

Sharh Nahj-al-balaghah VII p56; V14 p192; Al-mokhtasar fi Akhbar Al-bashar VI, p156, published in Egypt; Tarikh Ya’qoobi VII p123; Al-imamah wa al-siyasah Ibn Qotaybah VI p12, published in Egypt; Ansab al-ashraf VI p586, H1184, published in Egypt; Tarikh al-omam wa al-molook Tabari VII p443, published in Beirut; Ethbat al-wasiyah Mas’oodi p142; Aqd al-farid V3 p64, published in Egypt; Tafsir Aloosi 3/124; Al-melel wa al-nehal VI p57; Al-wafi be-al-wafiyat V6 p17; Al-manaqeb Ibn shahr Ashoob VIII p132; Al-mizan Al-e’tedal Dhahabi VI p139 H552; Al-farq bayn al-feraq p107; Al-Fara’ed al-semtayn joweyni VII p35

11) Some Sunni documents: Dhakha’er-ol-oqba, p82&83; al-Mostadrak ala-Ssahihain, Hakem Neyshaboori, V3, p167, h4730; and …

Some Shia documents: Ehtejaj, Ja’fari translation, V2, p258; and …

12) Al-shafi 4/214; Sharh Ibn Abi al-Hadid 16/281; Al-Imamah wa al-siyasah Ibn Qotaybah VI p12,13

13) Some Shia documents expressing Lady Fatemah (Peace Be Upon Her)’s will to a hidden and night burial: Kafi VI p458; Amali Mofid p281; and…

Some Sunni documents expressing Lady Fatemah (Peace Be Upon Her)’s will to a hidden and night burial: Sharh Hadid V6 p50; Al-mosannef San’ani VIII p521; Ta’wil Mokhtalef al-hadith Ibn Qotaybah p300; Ansab al-ashraf VII p34; Al-esti’ab V IV p1898; and …


[From the book: Al-Hojoom, written by: AbdoZzahra Mahdi]