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In the name of the Compassionate, the Merciful Allah

Surely We have sent it in the "Night of Qadr"; and what makes you comprehend, that which the Night of Qadr is; the Night of Qadr is superior to one thousand months; in it, Angels and the Spirit descend, by the Permission of their Lord, from all "Amr" [decrees, affairs, matters,… ]; it is "Salaam", until the break of dawn.


(Qur'an, Surah Qadr)


Imam Baaqer (PBUH) has told the Shi'ah:


Present proofs to those opposed, using the Surah 'Enna Anzalna' (Qadr),… .

Elsewhere the Imam has said:

At the beginning of Creation when Allah Created the world, Allah Created the Night of Qadr, and the Prophet and his Successors; and it has been Divinely decreed that every year, in one night, the matters of it, will descend to the Prophet or his Successor, from Allah; and any one who denies that Night, he has denied the Knowledge of Allah; …; I swear by Allah that Adam did not leave the world unless there was Successor for him, and such has been for all the Prophets after Adam; and to all the Successors, Angels and the Spirit have brought down the Amr of Allah… .


(Al-Kaafi, 1st vol.;… )


"Time" is a lonely traveler which passes by moments and seconds, one by one; Masjid of Kufah was the place where Time reached, on that dark dawn OF THE 19TH OF Ramadan when Ali (PBUH)… ; not too long ago, when passing by the moments of the Prophet Mohammad's (PBUH&HP) life, Time had heard about this dawn; Time did not want to reach there, but It had no choice; Time even knew that It had to reach the 21st of Ramadan, when Ali's (PBUH) celestial and lightful body had to be buried in the terrestrial and dark heart of earth… . With broken moments and seconds, Time wore Its black veil; those dark moments which Time was passing by, were one of the saddest and darkest experiences that It had ever faced; in those moments, the entire Existence was crying with Time. Time was wondering, how It could carry the memories of those moments to the future, It was wondering if people would truly comprehend the depth of those moments… .

And when Time reached the first moments of that 23rd Night of Ramadan -when Angels and the Spirit were supposed to descend to Ali (PBUH) and receive his confirmation and signature for all the events which Time had to carry throughout the coming year- the heart of Time stopped for one moment, but Ali was not there! Then Time remembered that the Prophet had said that after Ali, it would be Hassan (PBUH) who would carry that grand responsibility on his Imamate shoulders, the continuation of Time and Existence… .

Then Time passed by the moments when Angels and the Spirit descended to Imam Hassan (PBUH) on that 23rd night. Time knew that if it was not for Imam Hassan in those moments, Time would be no more… .

Time, on Its back, was carrying a time capsule full of secrets, and Time knew that It had not reached the Promised moment when secrets will be revealed… .

But some day soon, at the second of Mahdi's (PBUH) Appearance, Time shall reach that Promised moment… .


Please also read the article: "Night of Qadr" in this site.