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O' Amir-Ol-Mo'menin!

O' Ali! Your blood is still being reflected each and every dawn;

and the nights still have their black veil on, ever since that dawn.

Allah in Surah Qadr of Qur'an has indicated that Qur'an has been revealed on the Night of Qadr, and that the heart of Qur'an -which contains everything, from the beginning to the end of time- is being revealed continuously through the descension of Angels and the Spirit each and every Night of Qadr.

Also in the very famous Hadith of Thaqalain -narrated by both the Shi'ah and the Sunni- the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) firmly and repeatedly, has declared that Qur'an and the Ahl-Ol-Bait are absolutely inseparable from one another until the Day they shall both enter the Prophet, in Heavens.

Yes Qur'an and the Ahl-Ol-Bait have been inseparable; the Ahl-Ol-Bait have been the spirit of Qur'an; they have been the Living Qur'an; the Ahl-Ol-Bait have been those upon whom the heart of Qur'an has been revealed ever since the Prophet's departure from this dusty old earth; and not just that! Mohammad and his Ahl-Ol-Bait (PBUT) have been the heart of Existence from the beginning of Creation; the First thing Allah Created was the Light of Mohammad… .

And today, Mahdi (PBUH) is the heart of Qur'an, the breath of Existence and… .

O' our beloved Mahdi!

The moments that you pray under the lonely skies; the stars are the lanterns of your dreams; the moon is the reflection of your eyes; the ocean is a drop of your tears… .

Without you, Dholfaqaar is lonely, and Justice, an orphan; hearts of orphans are broken, and Universal Monotheism, only a broken dream… .

Come and breathe heavenly life back into the everlasting Qur'an… .