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Nowwaab Arba'ah

As we mentioned in the previous message, the peculiarity of the 'Minor' Occultation was that in this period, by Allah's command, there were some special representatives chosen by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) himself, who were a channel between the Imam (PBUH) and the people. These were four people who became famous as the ‘Nowwaab Arba'ah (Four representatives).

Here, we wish to introduce them, and through recognition of their sincere devotion, we extend our gratitude to them, for, they narrated priceless messages from the beloved Imam Mahdi (PBUH); and we offer their souls, our gifts of Faatehah and Salawaats:

1- Abu Amr 'Osmaan Ebn Sa'eed Amri (exp. 265 A.H.). He was the deputy of Imam (PBUH) from the beginning of his Imamat. Prior to Imam Mahdi (PBUH), he was also the representative of Imam Ali Naqi (PBUH) and Imam Hassan Al-Askari (PBUH).

2- Abu Ja'far Mohammad Ebn 'Osmaan Amri (exp. Jamaadi al-Awwal 304 or 305 A.H.). He succeeded his father after the latter’s demise. He too was the representative of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (PBUH).

When forty trusted Shi'ah went to the house of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (PBUH) and were blessed with the opportunity of secretly meeting Imam Mahdi (PBUH), at that time Mahdi (PBUH) himself discussed the representation of these two deputies.

3- Abol Qaasem Hosain Ebn Rawh Nawbakhti (exp. 18th Sha'baan 326 A.H.).

4- Abol Ali Ebn Mohammad Saymori (exp. 15th Sha'baan 329 A.H.). He was the last deputy of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Six days prior to his demise, he received a signed letter from the Imam (PBUH) which informed him about his death. It also announced the termination of the era of deputyship and the beginning of the 'Major Occultation'.

(Ehtejaaj of Sheikh Tabrasi, vol. 2, p. 193)

May Allah bestow upon hearts of all who love Him, His Light of Guidance, and may He hasten the wonderful Appearance of the Last Treasure of His Guiding Lights, so that firstly, His Mahdi will shine as he deserves to shine, and secondly, humankind will experience the very beautiful and Ever-Promised and Anticipated Celestial Peace on this tired old earth … .
