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Noble Moral Traits

In the very blessed moments of the days ahead, we shall travel through three unforgettable occasions in time; the birth anniversaries of three stars who have been Ever-Shining in the vast arena of Aashoora which has cast its shadow all the way to Eternity … .

The first star born on the 3rd of Sha'baan , was the lord of Aashoora -Hosain (PBUH)-; the second one born on the 4th, and spread his Light in the Everlasting cause of Aashoora, -AbulFazl (PBUH)- was the devoted brother who loved Hosain not just as a wonderful brother whom he was, but as his Imam and lord; the third star who started to shine upon this earth on the 5th, -Ali son of Hosain (PBUT)- was he who kept the celestial epic of Aashoora Ever-living in the minds and hearts of humankind until Eternity … .

From them -who ungratefully have been conveniently disregarding and forgetting all the self-sacrifices which were made for keeping the Ever-Vital Messages of Allah alive throughout the ages so that humankind may not lose the Path to Everlasting Salvation, and have been saying that obedience of Allah through the obedience of His Chosen-Ones, is not important and necessary, and the only thing important is to be a good person with NOBLE MORAL TRAITS- firstly, we wish to ask a few questions: Is it not of NOBLE MORAL TRAITS to be thankful to any one who has done some thing good for us? Has Allah who has created us and have been maintaining our lives and …, not done any thing good for us? Does Allah not deserve to be thanked? And how can we thank the unlimited Allah Who needs nothing and everything is His? Isn't humbleness and obedience of the Compassionate and Merciful Omnipotent Allah through the obedience of His Chosen-Ones, the only way to thank Him? Would we be good people with NOBLE MORAL TRAITS, if we have selfishly disregarded and not thanked Him who has been providing every thing for us? Are we considered a civilized person with NOBLE MORAL TRAITS, if we have not thanked those who have taught us how to establish a relationship with Allah? What was Hosain (PBUH) teaching humankind with his Salaat at the last moments of his life, in Aashoora? And … .

And secondly, we cordially invite those who are interested to know the true meaning and interpretation of NOBLE MORAL TRAITS as taught by Allah through His Chosen-One, Imam Sajjaad, Ali son of Hosain (PBUT), to read the wonderful NOBLE MORAL TRAITS supplication: