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Sermon (Khotbah)of Imam Ali on the last moments of his life

In the last hours of his life, Ali (PBUH) stated his final recommendations to his oldest son, to his executor, to the second Allah-chosen Successor of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP), to Hassan (PBUH):

... I recommend being pious, to all of you, and not seeking the world -even though it seeks you- , and not feeling sad for that which is lost in this transient world.

I recommend saying the Truth, to all of you ...

I recommend guarding against Allah's chastisement and having order in everything you do, to all my children and household and to whomever receiving this written recommendation.

... I heard the Prophet who said: causing reconciliation between people is more virtuous than non-obligatory and optional fasting and praying...

Look after your blood relatives and maintain relationship with them so that Allah may make the Judgment Day easy on you.

Allah! Allah! about orphans ...

Allah! Allah! about Qur'an ...

Allah! Allah! about your neighbors ...

Allah! Allah! about the House of your Lord (Ka'bah)...

Allah! Allah! about your obligatory daily Prayers ...

Allah! Allah! about obligatory financial duties ...

Allah! Allah! about Ramadan

Allah! Allah! about the poor and needy

Allah! Allah! about striving for the cause of Allah with your money, body and sayings ...

Allah! Allah! about the children of your Prophet...

Allah! Allah! about the companions of the Prophet ...

Allah! Allah! about the ladies and about those in the employe of you ...

Your Daily Prayers, Daily Prayers, Daily Prayers...

Talk kindly to one another, recommend doing good and not doing bad, to each other ...

... Be together, help each other and give generously, be kind to one another ...

May Allah protect the Ahl-Ol-Bait and keep the traditions of the Prophet protected by the Ahl-Ol-Bait; may Allah's Blessing and Salaam be upon you ... .

Then Imam Ali (PBUH) closed his eyes but suddenly continued:

... (Do not transgress the bounds of justice) only my murderer should be killed; if I'll die from this strike of his sword -which I shall die- he should be struck only once.

Our Mola and lord kept on repeating “there is no God but Allah” until his heavenly spirit ascended to where he belongs ... .