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A while back we introduced to you a very precious Australian lady whose maiden name was Lynette Vivienne Burton. She used to be a Christian, but -All Praise be to Allah- through sincere imploration to God and unbiased research she embraced the True Islam. The name she uses now is Shifa Lynette Vivienne Mustapha. This is what she has said herself in regard to the name she has chosen:

"After embracing Islam I took the first name "Shifa".  This I did because I believed that I had undergone spiritual healing, being thus now able to see the truth of Islam. While many converts refuse to keep their original names, I believed that as a mark of respect to my parents I should keep the names they, in love, gave me. My first name was close to the name of my father's brother who was killed in an accident years before I was born, and my second name was the feminine form of my father's name. . . We take our husband's surname when we marry over here."

It is valuable to emphasize the point that she embraced Islam through imploration and research and not only through her marriage. The following is a paper in regard to Hadrat Fatemah (PBUH) which she presented last year:

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful




Dear Sisters and Brothers, Assalamu Alaykum.

Thank you for asking me to be with you today, it is a very great privilege. With regard to Hazrat Fatimah (a.s.), I was wondering just what to speak about - there are so many aspects of Lady Fatimah’s life and her practice which are inspiring, and we need to look into these things. However, I realized that you all probably know more about her than I do which caused me to think in another direction.

We must acknowledge that everyone who adopts the title of Shia claims by this title to be a follower of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them), and this includes Fatimah (peace be upon her). Her life is to us, today, still a blessing and a pattern for every Muslim girl and every Muslim woman no matter what age, or in what part of the world she may live. To be someone's follower requires more than love. It requires knowledge of what that person said and did to be followed, and then that knowledge has to be applied to the self.

This in turn made me wonder just what she would say to us today if she were to be here. What would her message be for those here in Australia in the year 2008, which is 1,429 years after the Hijrah? That is a very sobering thought, not the least of which because we should already know.

Firstly her adoration was for Allah, and the priority in her life was worship and obedience to Him. This was the keystone of her existence which was confirmed in the prophethood of her father. I believe that Lady Fatimah would remind us today that without recognition and worship of Allah, it is impossible to be Muslim at all, let alone following her example. Certainly she worshipped in the best way and followed the sunnah of her father, the holy Prophet. I think she would urge us all to keep these areas of worship and obedience at the forefront of our minds, our hearts and our endeavours.

Secondly came her love and duty regarding her parents. We know that Fatimah was the offspring of two most wonderful individuals. The Holy Prophet (s) and Hazrat Khadijah (a.s.) were of the highest magnitude, and surely this was important, though we also acknowledge that her mother died quite early on in her life. From thence it was as if her love for her father expanded to the point where she wanted to protect and care for him and this was recognizable to the extent that she was named, “The mother of her father,” by those who knew her well. Children, remember this aspect of Fatemah Zahrah’s childhood it is a beautiful example which will lead you on in the right pathway.

In this day and age, in Western societies, dear brothers and sisters, the care of parents, particularly elderly parents is something which is considered an afterthought. Many languish in nursing homes, rarely seeing their children. Life is too busy; time is too crowded with other things. Filial love and duty of care has all but disappeared. Some may say that parents no longer deserve to be respected…. Somehow I do not think that we would hear that sentiment from Lady Fatimah (pbuh). I believe that she would point us to the Holy Qur’an and tell us to obey Allah’s words and warn against this Western attitude:

In Surah Al-Israa (17:23,24): “Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain an old age in thy lifetime, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour: And out of kindness lower to them the wing of humility and say: ‘My Lord, bestow on them Thy Mercy, even as they cherished me in childhood.” She would remind us that three other sections of the Qur’an commence with the words: We have enjoined on man kindness to parents” (Surah al ‘Ankabut 29:8); “And We enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents” (Surah Luqman 31:14) and again the 46th Surah ayat 15-17 commences with the words: “We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents..”

Thirdly her position as wife of Imam Ali (a.s.) was one of honour. Love and respect went hand in hand in this partnership. There is no record of her calling for her rights… nor yet is there anywhere where she has spoken against her husband. She revered him as one upon whom she could rely. She honoured his trust in her and appreciated his support. This marriage was blessed and strengthened by Allah as they, hand in hand, placed Him first in every aspect of their lives… and they experienced a purity of love.

If we were to ask her, again I think she would tell us not to be blinded by non-Islamic values. She would remind us that in the Qur’an man has been placed a little over women for a very good purpose, and she would remind we wives to keep the trust we have been given with respect and love. She would also remind us of the purpose of marriage and its importance in our lives and the life of the community and the nations:

He it is Who did create you from a single soul and therefrom did create his mate that he might dwell with her (in love and security)” Q. 7:189

The Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves.” Q.42:11

Perhaps she would show us how very unhappy so many un-Islamic marriages are in this era, in this place: So often men and women proclaim that they are “in love” and that this will be “forever” - but in this era, “forever” may be only a matter of months - if not weeks, days or hours - there was a famous case in the US where a marriage lasted less than 24 hours recently. She may remind us that in lives unknowing of Islam, divorce is considered an integral part of matrimony - that is, of course, if one actually does marry. There is little security, little respect, little trust unless one lives according to Allah’s dictates.

What of the Men? We have already seen that Lady Fatemah had love and respect for her husband - and we have to realize that love cannot bloom and remain without mutual respect of wife for husband and husband for wife. However, I have to tell you that a number of women over past years have suffered due to un-Islamic cultural beliefs which place her as little more than a chattel. Apparently this is more prevalent in some countries than others. This is not Islam, of course, and we have to make that clear. Sadly those who are against Islam label it as the religion of evil towards women.

Again, Lady Fatimah would, I believe, remind us that this is not Islam, that in fact those who say so, more often than not, are being very hypocritical, and that Islam brought honour and respect for women. In the first verse of Surah al Nisaa it is said: O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, Who created you from a single Person, created of like nature his mate, and from them twain scattered countless men and women - Fear Allah through Whom ye demand your mutual rights, and reverence the wombs that bore you.”

You will note that this verse is addressed to “Mankind”. It would have been quite appropriate to address it to the then-Muslims, “Believers!”, or the Arabs per se, but instead it mentions “Mankind”. This is the clue to inform us that the whole world treated women very badly, and marriage with great disdain.

In Rome, during the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) it was said of women, quoting one of the Christian Fathers: “Do you know that each of you is an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age; the guilt must necessarily live also. You are the Devil’s gateway; you are the unsealer of that tree; you are the first deserter of the Divine Law; you are she who persuaded him when the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image in man. On account of your deserts (i.e. death), even the Son of God had to die.” St. Tertullian - de Coltu Feminarum.

This did not improve and in France by the 16th century it was asked: “Does woman have a soul? Is woman to be considered a human being or not?” These were the questions which caused France’s religious leaders to convene a Conference in 1586. The resulting verdict was: “Woman is a human being, but she is created to serve man.”

Judaism was little better:

Consenting to Marriage - “The girl’s consent is unnecessary and the need for it is nowhere suggested in the Law” - Mosaic Law - Encyclopedia Biblical (1902) Likewise Divorce - “The girl’s consent is unnecessary and the need for it is nowhere suggested in the Law.” - Ibid.

Other countries and cultures; other religions: all placed women as inferior: In Greece it was said by Socrates -“Woman is the greatest source of chaos and disruption In the world. She is like the daffali tree which outwardly looks very beautiful, but if sparrows eat of it they will die without fail.”

Waters of Woe” - was the description given to Chinese women. They were not permitted to leave their homes.

In India - “A woman must never seek independence and must never do anything according to her mere pleasure.”- Ordinance of Manu v.147 And again in India: “There is no creature more sinful than woman. She is burning fire. She is the sharp edge of a razor. Verily men should not love them.” (Status of women in Mahabharata” - Prof. Indra) - Hindu

Lady Fatemah, upon whom be peace, would quite probably remind us that Islam brought equality of soul and raised the position of all women.

As a Mother: We cannot help but admire her in all aspects, and clearly the saying “Paradise is at the feet of the Mother” applied to her to the extent that her children grew happy and blessed. They did not have great luxuries, although this was something which was possible. They were taught patience and they showed an uncommon courtesy and kindness to others. Loving kindness and security came with the knowledge that their Grandfather and their parents held them in high regard. These aspects were essential in the upbringing of these young people who would be called upon to give their lives for their Lord. They were taught consideration and kindness - not by preaching but by witnessing the practice of their parents. Again we should consider this aspect of parenting.

In this day and age, where motherhood is put aside to earn extra dollars, what would Lady Fatemah tell us? We know that she was understanding of people and situations, and some situations are beyond our control, but would she remind us that while Paradise is at the feet of the Mother, so too is hell?

Has the circle come full swing I wonder? Is it because children have been denied childhood love and maternal care in exchange for goods and luxuries by mothers in Western societies that we are seeing so much drug addiction, binge drinking, loss of morals? Is this the reason why, when parents age, children put them into homes, denying them love and filial care? As parents we do have a lot to think about.

Finally: What would Lady Fatemah think of this era? Perhaps she would remind us of what her husband, Imam Ali (pbuh) has said: “Beware, you have been ordered insistently to march and have been guided how to provide for the journey. Surely the most frightening thing, which I am afraid of about you, is to follow desires and to widen the hopes. Provide for yourself from this world that which would save you tomorrow (on the Day of Judgment).

And most surely she would remind us that time is passing quickly and that her son, the Imam of the Age, Imam Mahdi (to whom we give greetings) is to stand against all that is wrong and unjust. She would want us all to uphold him, and finally to be among those who enter Paradise. It is our fervent hope that this will be the case and that she will greet us warmly.