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The Najran Pact, Mobaahelah (Mubahilah) Part 17

The Najran Pact,

Mobaahelah (Mubahilah)

Part 17


Qualities of the Prophet SAWA in the scroll of Ibrahim (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia 


When Ibrahim (a.s.) looked in the ‘Arsh [Throne (Knowledge …)], he found cells equal to the number of those Prophets sent to teach all mankind and to the number of their respective Successors. He broke into all the cells and came at length to that of Muhammad (S), the Last of the Prophets, on whose right hand was Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) represented in a gigantic portrait beaming with light, with his hand resting on the girdle of Muhammad. On the portrait was the inscription: This is the similitude of Muhammad, and who is aided by Divine victory. 


Ibrahim inquired, “O my lord and Master, who is this illustrious creature?” The Lord of the universe answered, “This is My Servant and Chosen one, who will open the chapters of knowledge and wisdom to the people, and he is the Seal of the Prophets and whose Successor is the heir of his wisdom and is represented by this portrait. Ibrahim asked, “Who is the opener and the seal?”  


The Lord declared, “He is Muhammad, My Chosen One whose spirit I created before all other creatures. He is My great teacher among creatures, and I created him a Prophet and chose him when as yet Adam was an unfinished body of clay. I will raise him up in the end of time so that he may perfect My religion, and will complete in him My apostleship. This is Ali, his brother and faithful witness. I have put brotherhood between them; I have chosen them and sent salvation on them, and have encircled them with My blessing before I created heaven and earth. And made them Infallible and chose them as the righteous and good ones from his posterity before I created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. My choice was made from knowledge of goodness and purity of their hearts, for I am omniscient to know the character of My servants. 


Ibrahim then looked and saw twelve portraits dazzling with light and beauty, and bearing a resemblance to Muhammad and Ali, and whose names he inquired. The Lord replied, “This is the light of my handmaid, the daughter of my Prophet, Fatima Zahra, of spotless purity, whom with her husband, I have constituted the parents of the offspring of my Prophet. And these two lights are Hasan and Husain, and this is so and so and that is so and so till he reached to the master of the Age [Hadrat Mahdi AS].”  


Then He said, “This [Mahdi AS] is My Light, by whom I will spread My mercy among mankind, manifest My religion, and guide My servants, when they despair of My attending their cry.” Ibrahim pronounced blessings on them, and said, “O Lord, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have chosen and perfectly purified them.”  


The Most High added, “Blessed to you be the exaltation I have conferred on you in making Muhammad and his chosen ones of your posterity, and descendants of your first son, Ismail. Rejoice, O Ibrahim! For the invocation of blessing on you shall be connected with the same blessings on their behalf. My blessings and mercy shall be continued to My creatures till their period ends, which I have specified. I am the owner of the heavens and earth, and those who are in it. They all shall die after which I will raise them up in My own justice, to bestow divine equity and mercy upon them. 


The narrator says that when the companions of the Prophet heard all that was mentioned in Jamia about the praise and qualities of the Holy Prophet (S) and the extolling of the Prophet in the books of the ancients and the qualities of his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) who were mentioned with the Prophet and their stations before Allah, their faith and certainty increased and they were so overjoyed that their soul were near flying away. [Alas! It is so sad that some times the same old Satanic jealousy, arrogance and … overshadows and dominates … certainty and sincerity …]


Qualities of the Prophet in the Old Testament (Torah) 


The narrator says that the attention of the assembly was now turned to the books of Musa and in the second book of the Torah was found written this declaration of the Lord of the universe: “I will send, of the children of Ismail, a Prophet, to whom I will communicate My own Book. I will raise him up with a true righteous dispensation for all My creatures and will bestow My wisdom on him and assist him with My angels and hosts. His offspring shall be from his blessed daughter whom I will give him in blessing. From that daughter, I will cause two sons to spring like two branches, Ismail and Ishaq, I will multiply exceedingly in two great branches, from which I will establish twelve imams for the preservation of that which I will complete by the means of Muhammad, who is the Seal of the Prophets, and in the period of whose nation I will set the Judgment. 


Haritha now exclaimed, “The morning of truth appears for all who have eyes to see, and the way of truth is obvious to one that prove the religion of truth. Is there still in your hearts any disease of doubt of which you want to be healed? Sayyid and Aqib made no reply. Abu Haritha rejoined, “Take the last crowning evidence from the words of your Sayyid, His Eminence, Isa (a.s.)! 


Attention was now directed to the books of the New Testament (Injeel) which Prophet Isa (a.s.) had brought. In the fourth book of these divine communication was written: “O Isa (a.s.), son of a pure woman without husband, hear My word, and strive in the executions of My commands. Verily, I created you without father, and made you a sign to the universe. Then serve and trust me. Take this book, and strive with all your might in its performance, and in expounding it to the people of Syria [Shaam]. That I am Lord, besides whom there is no Lord: I am the living, and the life of all is from Me; and I am without change or variation. Believe in Me and in My Prophet whom hereafter I will send, who shall come in the end of time and be a mercy to the worlds. He will be raised up for mercy and religious war, and shall bring My servants into the way of the truth by the sword. He is the first and the last; that is, he is the first of all in respect to creation of his spirit, and the last in his manifestation as a Prophet, and is raised up for all creatures, and in his period, the judgment will occur. Announce the glad tidings of his advent to the children of Yaqub [Jacob]. 


Prophet Isa (a.s.) replied, “O Master of all periods, and knower of all secrets, who is that righteous servant whom I love before seeing him? The divine response was, “He is My Chosen Prophet, who shall fight with his own hand, and whose word and acts accord with each other, and what he manifests is like what he conceals. I will send him a new light, that is, the Qur’an, by which I will enlighten blind eyes, and cause deaf ears to hear, and make foolish hearts understand. I have reposed him the sources of knowledge and understanding. Blessed is he, and Blessed is his nation. Prophet Isa (a.s.) asked: “What is his name and what is the sign of his nation? And what will the tenure of his rule? Would he have descendants?”  


The reply was: “O Isa, His name is Ahmad, and he is the chosen one of the offspring of Ibrahim and Ismail. His soul is like the moon, and his forehead luminous. He will ride camels. His eyes will sleep, but not his spirit. I will raise him up among an untaught people who have no share in knowledge, and his kingdom will endure till the judgment takes place.  


His birth will be in the city of his grandfather Ismail, in Mecca. His wives will be many, but his children few, and his posterity will descend from an immaculate daughter, who will have two illustrious sons, both of whom will be martyred, and from whom the Prophet’s descendants will spring. Tooba is for these two sons, and those that love them, take refuge in their protection, and aid them. Isa (a.s.) inquired, “O Lord, what is Tooba?”  


He responded, “Tooba is a tree in Paradise whose trunk and branches are gold, and its leaves beautiful garments. Its fruit … is sweeter than honey, and softer than butter. The tree is watered by the fountain of Tasnim, and were a wild crow to fly from the time it is first fledged to old age, it would not reach the top of the tree. So immense is Tooba, that it shades, by some of its branches, every abode in Paradise. 


[Aaaaahhhhh! The Torah and Enjil and … have become so distorted, so much added to them, so much deleted from them, and … . In spite all this, still traces of the Truth, by Allah’s Will, are left in the books which jews and christians today call torah and enjil (gospel) … as samples of these traces are mentioned in articles “Mohammad, the Promise of Torah”, “Mohammad, the Promise of Enjil (Gospel)”, “What the Bible says about Muhammad”, “AhlulBayt (Salaam Be Upon Them, SBUT), the Promise of Enjil (Gospel)”, “Wilayat of Mohammad and AhlulBayt (SBUT), from creation to eternity”, “Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) Birth, Ascension and Rise, and the Revelation of John” and … in this site:


May Allah hasten the Appearance of Imam Mahdi (SBUH) who shall reveal the undistorted Torah, Enjil and … .


Here is also noteworthy to mention that as recorded in Bihar al Anwar, vol. 9, p. 337 and … Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA) has clarified that Torah, Enjil and Zaboor were bestowed as written tablets and plates, whereas the Majestic Qur’an was revealed as Aayaats and Surahs at intervals. This means that it is only the Magnificent Qur’an which was revealed word by word, letter by letter. To the Prophet Mohammad (SBUH&HA) over the years of his mission on earth. This is yet another reason for superiority of the Majid Qur’an to the original undistorted Torah, Enjil and … .]


Sayyid and Aqib confess to what is written in Jamia 


These convincing accounts respecting Muhammad, drawn from the Jamia, abashed Sayyid and Aqib, and gave the palm of victory to Haritha. The two could make no alterations in the Jamia and thus they decided to give up the debate. They thought that they had left the straight path and deviated. So both returned to their respective Churches to think up some plan.  


However the Christians of Najran gathered around then humbled champions, and asked them what they intended to do, and what was to become of their religion. They declared that they had not abandoned their faith, and exhorted the people to continue firm in the same, until the religion of Muhammad should be better known, and it is known to what he is inviting. The narrator says that is when Sayyid and Aqib decided to proceed to Medina to the Holy Prophet (S).  


On this journey Sayyid and Aqib were accompanied by fourteen hundred Christians of Najran, eminent for knowledge and rank, and seventy of the principle men of the Bani Harith bin Kaab. The narrator says that Qays bin Husain and Yazid bin Abidaan, who were scholars of Hadhramaut, and were then at Najran, started with the party for Medina. 


So they mounted their horses and led their empty camels and headed for Medina. Since there was delay in news of the companions of the Prophet who had gone to Najran, the Holy Prophet (S) sent Khalid bin Walid with an army to them in order to see what had retained them. On the way, he met the Najran delegation. The Christians said that they had come to make inquiries about religion. 


On approaching Medina, Sayyid and Aqib, who wished to make a display of their grandeur, caused their companions to halt, wash and refit themselves in costly silk garments of Yemen, and perfumed themselves with musk. They then mounted their horses and carried their spears upright, and being more portly in person than the other Arabs, they attracted great admiration on entering Medina.  


They found the Prophet in the Masjid, where they were introduced to him. When the hour for their prayers came, they turned their faces towards the east, and performed their devotion, which some companions of Prophet wished to prohibit, but the Holy Prophet (S) ordered that they should be left to their own way for three days, during which time they might gain some knowledge of him and his faith. 


After three days, the Prophet summoned his visitors to embrace Islam. They replied, O Abul Qasim, we have found in you every characteristic of the Prophet who should arise after Prophet Isa (a.s.), all which are described in the divine and glorious books, with one exception which outweighs all the rest. “What is that important characteristic?” inquired Muhammad.  


They replied, “We have read in Injeel that the Prophet will come after Masih, bearing witness to his truth, and having faith in him; but you call Him worthless and false and consider Him a servant. The narrator here observes that their dispute with Muhammad was not in respect to anything except Isa (a.s.). 


[Let us observe that their first excuse for not submitting to Hadrat Muhammad (SAWA) was that he (SAWA) had no offspring; then after the ancient books were publicly recited they decided that they could not use this excuse any longer. So they thought up another plan … a new excuse. They decided to claim that calling Hadrat ‘Eesa (SBUH) a servant of the Lord was to degrade him!!! While they had already read in ancient books that Jesus and all Prophets of Allah (SBUT), including the most exalted of them all- i.e. the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA)- were servants of the Lord and this position itself was the highest honor. This claim was only another excuse … they already knew very well that the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) was the very last promised Prophet of Allah and they were to obey him …]


Muhammad replied, “It is not as you say, but I declare His truth and have faith in Him and testify that he is a Prophet of the Most High. Yet, I say He is the servant of the Lord of the universe, and not the master of his own advantage or harm nor of his own life or death.” They asked, “Can a servant do what He did? Has any Prophet by his own power wrought such miracles as He manifested? Did he not raise the dead, give sight to those born blind, and heal the leprous? Did he not tell what is in the heart of men and what they had stored in their houses? Can any but the Most High do these things, or one who is truly the son of God?” They said much to this effect, ascribing divinity to Isa (a.s.) from which the Almighty Allah is uncontaminated by such words, in his holy and glorious exaltation. 


Debate with the Holy Prophet (S) 


The Holy Prophet (S) replied, “What you asserted that my brother Isa (a.s.) raised the dead and healed the blind and leprous and told people what was in their hearts and houses is true; but He did all these things by the power and permission of the Most high, whose servant Isa (a.s.) is not ashamed to be, nor is he aspiring. Verily, Isa (a.s.) had flesh blood, and He ate and drank, which all are characteristics of a creature; and His lord is the sole Lord, and in truth there is no similitude of Him and no likeness to Him.” They rejoined, “Show us one who like Prophet Isa (a.s.) had no father.” Muhammad replied, “In respect to his creation, Adam is more wonderful than Isa for he was born without father or mother. But no one mode of creation is more difficult than another with the Most High whose power is such that whatever He wishes to create, He says to it, “Be” and it is. The Prophet then recited this verse: 


إِنَّ مَثَلَ عِيسَىٰ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ كَمَثَلِ آدَمَ ۖ خَلَقَهُ مِنْ تُرَابٍ ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ 


“Surely the likeness of Isa is with Allah as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he was.”

[Qur’an 3:59]


[Obstinately] They said, “Our belief respecting Isa remains unshaken and we will neither forsake it nor acknowledge that what you say concerning Him is true. Now therefore let us make an appeal to God and let His curse be on either us that lies and let the truth be speedily manifested. And very soon the truth becomes manifest. At that time, the following verse of imprecation was revealed: 


فَقُلْ تَعَالَوْا نَدْعُ أَبْنَاءَنَا وَأَبْنَاءَكُمْ وَنِسَاءَنَا وَنِسَاءَكُمْ وَأَنْفُسَنَا وَأَنْفُسَكُمْ ثُمَّ نَبْتَهِلْ فَنَجْعَلْ لَعْنَتَ اللَّهِ

عَلَى الْكَاذِبِينَ 


“Then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our selves and your selves, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars.”

[Qur’an 3:61]


The Holy Prophet (S) communicated this verse to them and told them that the Almighty Allah has commanded me to accept your suggestion about imprecation ceremony and if you agree you must do as you say. They said we shall gather tomorrow and invoke divine curse on the liars. 


Sayyid, Aqib and their companions now retired to their quarters out of the town where they had halted on a hill and said to one another, “Muhammad has decided such a course of action that it will decide our dispute with him. Let us see if Muhammad appears tomorrow with multitude, or with a chosen few who are the chosen ones from the pious, because this is always a small group.  


If he comes with many men of worldly rank and riches, we shall be victorious; but if he comes in the manner of the Prophets, then take warning by it and avoid the trial. Because it would be a sign for you. So you must see what he does.” In this way Sayyid and Aqib showed that they feared the consequences of the Mubahilah (imprecation ceremony). 


The Holy Prophet (S) brings his family members 


Muhammad ordered a place between two trees to be swept, and a black cloak to be spread on the trees where at the appointed hour he took his position. Aqib and Sayyid made their appearance with their two sons, Al-Mohsin and Abdul Munim and from their wives, Sarah and Maryam. They were attended by the Christians that came with them from Najran and the riders of Bani Harith bin Kaab, all in splendid array. All the people of Medina came out with banners and making their best display to see the issue of the ordeal. 


[Under this cloak was one of the everlasting instances where the Prophet (SAWA) recited the profound Tathir Verse:


Qur’an 33:33 This is it and nothing but this:  Allah has intended to keep off from you uncleanness, O you Ahl ul Bayt, and purify you, a thorough purification.]


The Prophet remained in his house till the morning was considerably advanced when he proceeded to the place of divine appeal attended by Ali and Fatima, and their two sons, the young Imams, Hasan and Husain. These five illustrious persons placed themselves under the cloak which had been spread upon the trees. Then sent a man to Sayyid and Aqib to call them for the ordeal. Sayyid and Aqib appeared and demanded of the Prophet if he would make the appeal with only that young man and woman and those two boys, and not with the principal men of his nation?  


He replied that he was so ordered by the Lord. At this declaration the color of Sayyid and Aqib turned pale and they went back to their companions, who inquired of them what had happened to which they made no reply. A young scholar of their party now exclaimed. “Woe be to you! You must never engage in the ordeal with them; call to mind what you read in the Jamia respecting Muhammad. Verily, you know he is true. It won’t be long for you to be transformed into apes and pigs, therefore fear God.” As they knew the young man wished them well, they were silent.


The narrator says that Manzar bin Al-Qama was a brother of Abu Harith, and himself a scholar and an accomplished man. Although the Christians respected him a great extent he was not present in the assembly of Najran and he reached when they were setting out for Medina. So he also accompanied them and because he found them differing.  


Now he took Sayyid and Aqib aside, and after assuring them of his sincere friendship, which they professed not to doubt, warned them that all who had ever engaged in an ordeal with a Prophet had been destroyed; reminding them at the same time all who had any knowledge of the divine books knew that Muhammad was that Prophet whom all the others had announced, with description of him and his family. And even now, open your eyes to the alarming portends of nature.


The sun is changed in appearance, the trees bow down, the birds lay their heads and spread their wings on the ground; also see the mountains shivering; through divine fear, notwithstanding they are sinless, and this is only because they see signs of impending wrath. Observe, besides, the trembling of the mountains, and smoke covering the earth, and although it is the clear season of summer, see fragments of black clouds beginning to appear.  


Look, Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) have raised their hands in prayer, and are waiting for you to accept the trial by imprecation. Be assured, then if one word of imprecation proceeds from them, we shall never return to our families and possessions again, but all be destroyed. Sayyid and Aqib now trembled and were almost bereft of reason and they knew that if they went ahead with the imprecation, they would be chastised.  


Manzar bin Al-Qama saw that they were fearful, so he continued: “If you become Muslims you will be safe in this world and the next; but if you want only the world and cannot forsake the rank you enjoy among your people, I have nothing to say to you. But it is not nice that you are challenging Muhammad to a divine appeal. It was due to your foolishness. Muhammad accepted your challenge and when prophets have decided something, they don’t stop till they have fulfilled it. 


If you intend to retreat from the appeal, do it speedily, and make peace with Muhammad for your situation is like that of the people to whom Yunus was sent who repented when the signs of divine wrath appeared. 


Sayyid and Aqib send Manzar with an offer of peace 


Sayyid and Aqib now commissioned Manzar to negotiate for them with Muhammad. The deputy accordingly waited on him and addressed him. Peace be on you. I testify that besides the Lord of the universe there is no Lord, and you and Isa (a.s.) are both servants of God, and sent by Him to mankind. Thus Manzar became a Muslim, and then laid the object of his mission before Muhammad, who on his part empowered Ali to conclude peace with the Christians of Najran.


Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: May my parents be sacrificed on you, on which conditions should I make peace? The Messenger of Allah (S) said: O Abul Hasan, that which is best according to you as what you say or do is same as what I would say or do. It was stipulated that they should pay an annual tribute of two thousand good robes, and one thousand mithqal of gold, one half to be delivered in the month of Mohurrum, and the other half in the month of Rajab. 


Ali (a.s.) now introduced Aqib and Sayyid, who were greatly abashed, to the Prophet in whose presence they ratified the treaty to their own humiliation. Muhammad, in declaring his acceptance of the treaty, said that if his opponents had joined issue with him and those under the cloak, in the appeal by imprecation, the whole valley would have been filled with fire and the whole Christian party would have been destroyed. 


The Prophet and his sacred family now returned to the Masjid, where presently Jibraeel met them, saying. The most High send you salaam, and declares that His servant, Musa, with Harun and his children, made a divine appeal against Qarun who with all his party and property, were swallowed up by the earth. And if you, O Ahmad, with your family had met in ordeal, all other creatures, verily the heavens, had been rent in pieces, the mountains pulverized and the earth had sunk.  


But it was against My will. The Prophet immediately fell in adoration, and then raised his hands in such way that the whiteness of his armpits became apparent, and rendered thanks to God saying: “Thanks be to the giver of bounty”, thrice. People asked him the reason for happiness that was seen on his face. His Eminence replied: I have thanked the Almighty for the bounty that the Almighty Allah has mentioned about my Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Then he mentioned the message that Jibraeel had brought.


[End of the detailed account of Mubahilah as narrated by ‘Allama Majlisi (r.a.) in Hayat al Qulub and Sayyid ibn Tawus (r.a.) in al-Iqbal and … .]


To be continued …