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… By Taa-Haa, by Yaa-Syn ... Part 1

… By Taa-Haa, by Yaa-Syn ...

Part 1


Persian poet: Mojtaba RoshanRavaan

Persian reciter: ‘Ali Fani



Swear by Taa-Haa, by Yaa-Syn, by Me’raaj of Ahmad,

by Qadr and by Kawthar, by Rezwaan and Tuba,


by Divine Revelation, by the ever-flowing Qur’an,

by the Torah of Musa, by the Enjil of ‘Eesa,


in begging, I experience much royalty;

when I am a beggar of beggars of Zahra.


So many nights, has prayed Zahra, may we

all become Shi’ah and yearn for Mawla.


Serfdom of this family was God’s Intention and reason for our creation;

your Path is defined, your Amir is specified, bravely dare, have no doubt now.


For, loss of the Hereafter, the world … for, the world … for, the world is not worth;

being estranged from the descendents of Zahra, it is not worth.


And this transient life, youth, today’s fun and here,

is not worth the many regrets of tomorrow.



If you adhere to the Beloved, zealously;

if you are captivated by the Beloved, sincerely;


if, for him, you go out of your way;

indeed, you do seek him, certainly.



Say! How many Fridays, have you lost sleep about him?

How much tears, in Nodbahs, have you shed for the Beloved?


On your shoulders, have you carried the sorrows of his heart?

Or like others, have you been a load for the Beloved?


If one person, you have attached to him;

for his army, you are a commander of the Beloved.


Have you cried or not, a night till dawn?

How restless and anxious, say! Are you for the Beloved?


A minor symptom is not, being heartsick;

if you are restless, know that you are a friend of the Beloved.


And the end of this restlessness is heaven,

a heaven where you are overjoyed from seeing the Beloved.



Breeze of munificence is blowing;

rain of mercy is falling;


fix not the eyes of your heart on people;

for, in these bad times, busy is the bazaar of Yusof selling.



O God! I implore You by the brilliant face of Mahdi!

By the black and flowing hair of Mahdi!


By his loving heart which is an ocean of grief!

By, tearful from sorrow, eyes of Mahdi!


By his warm lips uttering ‘Ali! O ‘Ali!

By the uttering of Hosain! Dear Hasan! Of Mahdi!


By his beneficent hands and compassionate eyes!

By the hopeful eyes of beggars of Mahdi!


By his state of need and the Qonut of his Salaat!

By the Sobhaan Sobhaan Sobhaan … of Mahdi!


By the light of his eyes and his black nevus!

By the loving fragrance of Mahdi!


By his magnificent Hajj, by his glorious eminence!

By the Hejazi tone of Qur’an of Mahdi!


By his morning in Iraq and evening in Shaam!

By the going toward Khoraasaan of Mahdi!


By the dead in his passage path!

By life-giving drink of the Intuition of martyrs of Mahdi!


To ever-yearn him, Make me!

Extremely grieved from his separation, make me!


Bestow bounteously upon this worthless servant …

a friend and companion and fellow rider to his Khorasan, Shaam and Iraq journeys … make me!


O Mahdi … O Mahdi … help me …