Hijab: A Divine Ordinance, ordained by all Prophets of Allah (SBUT) Part 1

Hijab: A Divine Ordinance, ordained by all Prophets of Allah (SBUT)

Part 1


It is noteworthy to remind that in this site, using jewish, christian, sunni, … and Shi’ah documents, one of the very vital issues concentrated upon has been the fact that sadly after the Prophets of Allah, many within the nations of Prophets forsook the Allah-Chosen Successors of Prophets (SBUT) and instead followed usurpers who have either disregarded or distorted the Pure Divine teachings of the Prophets (SBUT); as the direct result slowly but surely the Divine commands and teachings- either partly or fully- have been gradually replaced by human desires, myths, philosophies, mysticism, speculations, conjectures and … . It was always the usurpation of the Allah Bestowed Successorship which opened the door for distortions and thenceforth gradually various forms of distortions have been occurring.


Therefore for instance things which are being observed in so called christian societies, are far from what Allah had intended and commanded thru the Prophet Jesus (SBUH) …


A Truth which is vital to be understood by all is that Allah- and only Allah- was Azali (preexistently eternal), i.e. so to speak, Allah always was. The Ever-Omniscient and the Ever-Omnipotent Allah has eternally (without beginning) been aware of human changes and so called progress in different human times and human places. Allah does not and needs not to change based on human desires and changes rather it is human who needs to change and conform to Allah’s benevolent and perfect Wishes. Allah has prescribed a certain way of life which He Knows to be the best and purest for humankind; a way of life which is not limited in time and place. What we have to realize is that earthly times and places are the dimensions of this planet and world, and only the creations are limited within these boundaries; i.e. the dimensions of time and place only limit created creatures not Allah Himself … Allah is the Creator of time and place. Therefore believing that what Allah said yesterday is no longer valid today is tantamount to not understanding that yesterday, today and tomorrow are only for us as creations, Allah and His Knowledge is absolutely not limited within such dimensions … the Ever-Omniscient and Ever-Omnipotent Allah has prescribed a “pure” way of life for humankind for all human times and human places …


Thus we must remember that one aspect of Allah’s commands thru His Prophets and Messengers (SBUT) has been the “purification” of humankind:


Qur’an 3:164 Certainly Allah conferred a great favor and grace upon the believers when He raised among them a Messenger from among themselves, reciting to them His Aayaat (Signs, Communications, Revelations …) and “purifying” them, and teaching them The Book and The wisdom, although before that they were surely in manifest error.


One of such “purifying” commands of Allah through His Prophets has been the command of Hijab which the nations of previous Prophets gradually- following their desires and satanic temptations …- have disregarded and the direct results of this disobedience of Allah have been the disintegration of families, propagation of all uncleanliness and indecencies, before marriage relationships, illegitimate children, and … . Sadly some Muslims too are following the same path toward perdition, while the Prophet Mohammad (SBUH&HA) had repeatedly- including in his everlasting Ghadir Sermon- declared that his stated Halaal (religiously allowed) and Haraam (unallowed) were Halaal and Haraam till the Day of Judgment.


Let us never forget:


Qur’an 7:158 Say: O humankind! surely I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, of Him Whose is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, there is no god but He; He brings to life and causes to die, therefore believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Ummi Prophet* who believes in Allah and His Words, and follow him so that you may be guided to the right way.

*We cordially invite our friends to read both parts of the article “Ummi Prophet, illiterate or not!” in this site: kindfather.com


In this writing we are going to present the remnant of the command of Hijab within the current bible and also a few samples within jewish and christian documents; it must be kept in mind that due to distortions and omissions not only the full command has not been kept but also distorted versions have remained. In any case the existence of such remnants proves that all Prophets including Hadrat Moosa- Moses- and Hadrat ‘Eesa- Jesus- (SBUT) had also commanded Hijab and it has been humankind who has followed human desires … thus changed and gradually forsaken this Allah Ordained command too.


Here, we wish to remind a sample verse from the Majestic Qur’an which warns us not to obey and thus take our desires as a god … let us not forget that taking any thing besides Allah, as a god is far from monotheism:


Qur’an 25:43 Have you seen him who takes his low desires for his god? Will you then be a protector over him?


To be continued …

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