Mourning … Part 1

Mourning …

Part 1


Why mourning … why crying?!


A. Some say, why should we still cry for and mourn over what happened to the AhlulBayt of the Prophet (SBUT) after about 1400 years have passed? Weren’t the happenings of their times issues related to their times and disputes over attaining caliphate of the world of Islam? What is the use for remembering those events in these times? …


The answer to such questions are within the realization of the aim of human life and its relation to the one and only Everlasting Truth of Allah and the cognition of the true status of Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA) and his Infallible AhlulBayt (SBUT) as the manifestation of the Truth of Allah …


The Almighty Allah, the Creator of all which exists including human, has said:


Qur’an 51:56 And I have not created the Jinn and the human except for that they should serve and obey Me (le-Ya’bodoon).


Therefore the aim of creation of humankind is for him to realize that he has a superior Loving, Knowing, Benevolent  and … Lord who has created him and Wishes what is best for him here and hereafter, and is watching him, and to Whom he shall return and answer … and thus submit to His Creator and worship and serve Him only, and therefore be free of servitude of others and their desires … (We cordially invite our friends to read both parts of the article “Aim of Creation” in this site


But human on his own, does not know the manner through which Allah is to be worshipped … the manner He deserves to be worshipped … Allah has to specify Himself the manner of His worship. From the very first presence of humankind on earth, Allah chose a Prophet and His Proof on earth to be the means between Him and others, to convey His messages, to teach humankind Monotheism in its true meaning, to show humankind the true manner of worship and obedience, to introduce his Successor and the very final Prophet and his Successors, and …


The very first Proof of Allah on earth was Hadrat Adam, and after him his son and Allah-Chosen Successor Sheith (SBUT) … then Hadrat Nooh and after him his son and Allah-Chosen Successor Saam (SBUT) … then Hadrat Ibrahim and after him his sons and Allah-Chosen Successors Ismaa’el and Is-haaq and Ya’qoob and Yoosof (SBUT) … then Hadrat Moosa and his brother Haaroon and after him their cousin and Allah-Chosen Successor Yoosha’ (SBUT) … then Hadrat ‘Eesa and after him his cousin and Allah-Chosen Successor Sham’oon (SBUT) … and finally the Seal of Prophets, Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA) and after him his cousin and Allah-Chosen Successor Hadrat ‘Ali (SBUH) and after him his sons and Allah-Chosen Successors Imam Hasan and Imam Hosain (SBUT) and after them nine descendants of Imam Hosain (SBUT) until today that the Proof (Hojjat) of Allah on earth is Hadrat Mahdi (SBUH).


From the very first moment of human presence on earth until the very last moment, the earth never was and never will be without a living Proof of Allah. Prophets to different people came one after the other and they then introduced their Allah-Chosen Successors to people and enjoined them to obey and follow them so that humankind may always have a living Proof of Allah to seek and follow and to remain on the Right Path of Allah and so that the satanic human and jinn thieves of beliefs may not rob human of his faith …


Finally it was time for the very last and most precious Prophet of Allah … he whom Allah has said to him that if it was not for him Allah would have not created the universe … and he had to convey the genuine message of Monotheism to a society which had become polytheists and had severely deviated from the pure teachings of Hadrat Ibrahim …, and he had to convey the genuine message of Monotheism to the nations of previous Prophets who had severely deviated from the pure teachings of previous Prophets (SBUT) … and he had to convey Allah’s message to the entire humankind until the Day of Judgment … in the process of this conveying he (SAWA) suffered so much pain and sorrow but he did convey what he was commanded to … he (SAWA) from the first day of his invitation to the very last moments of his precious life, in different times and places, introduced his Allah-Chosen Successors (SBUT) as guardians of the Truth of Allah … specially on the Day of Ghadir he asked people to publicly pledge their allegiance to Hadrat ‘Ali and his Allah-Chosen Successors throughout the ages so that humankind may not deviate from the one and only specified Right Path and may not lose eternal bliss and salvation …


Hadrat Muhammad and the twelve Infallible Imams (SBUT) have been the last and most superior Vicegerents of Allah on earth and the final guiding lights for humankind, keeping the Truth of Allah alive, saving humans from darkness and guiding them to the blissful light of the Right Path. Survival of the Religion of Allah on earth thru the pure teachings of the very last Prophet of Allah, Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA), and thus eternal Salvation of humankind have depended upon the twelve holy Imams (SBUT) …


Thru understanding the vital role of the Imams (SBUT) in relation to True Salvation of humankind we realize that the usurpation of their Allah-bestowed positions and all the injustice done to them have not been just against them and related to the past, rather against the entire humankind and related to thenceforth till eternity … the results have been so severe, the distortions have deviated so many from the specified Right Path of Allah and thus Salvation unattained for many …


Remaining on the Path defined by Allah thru the AhlulBayt (SBUT) is vital for human’s spiritual life; in other words being or not being with the AhlulBayt (SBUT) is the same as attaining spiritual life or spiritual death; i.e. it is a matter of life and death for the entire humankind be it a disbeliever, polytheist, jew, christian, sunni, Shia or …! Remaining on the Right Path of Allah is a moment by moment issue, it is a moment by moment seeking of refuge in their shelter … so even the Shi’ah is in danger moment by moment … (we cordially invite our friends to read the article “Repudiation of Philosophical and Irfani (Mystical) Fundamentals in Imam Riza (Salaam Be Upon Him)’s Monotheistic Teachings” in this site


Today, there is no way to Allah’s pleasedness but to accept all Prophets of Allah and their Allah-Chosen Successors (SBUT), and to follow the last of them (SBUT), and Tawassul (seeking them as the Waseelah (means)) in order to get close to Allah’s pleasedness, and to refer to their Hadith specialists such as many of the Maraaje’ …


Please also read the article “Seeking the Waseelah” in this site


In addition, human Fetrat is quite familiar with Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA) and his beloved and Infallible Chosen AhlulBayt (SBUT) … if we cleanse our Fetrats with tears of repentance and … we find a pure love within us; pure Fetrats reflect the love of Allah (SWT) and Mohammad, ‘Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hosain … and Mahdi (SBUT).


Realizing their vital status in, moment by moment, keeping humankind as upholders of the Truth of Allah and guiding humankind to the Right Path and everlasting Salvation and bliss, and with such a deep love how could one be indifferent toward them and all the injustice and inhumanity done to them?!!! … They gave their lives in the cause of the Truth of Allah and their Path has been our light …


Also it is important to remember that while injustice done to any human is a grave matter but injustice done to the most supreme creations and most beloved by Allah is even more serious and is actually like a direct confrontation with Allah Himself!!!


The most serious consequence of all the savage injustice done to the AhlulBayt (SBUT) has been the Occultation of the last Proof of Allah- Hadrat Mahdi (SBUH)-, a sad phenomenon which has been casting its dark shadow on human life and still is effecting all aspects of our lives today … AAAAAHHHHH! Only if humankind come to realize that all injustice, abnormalities, poverty, wars, … stem from the fact that he (SBUH) is not leading the world … AAAAAHHHHH! Only if at least the Shi’ah come to realize that the Imam (SBUH) is tearfully observing all deviations and counting the seconds himself to come and establish the Truth of Allah and settle all done to the previous Proofs of Allah … to his mother Fatemah … to Hosain … to all upholders of the One and Only Truth of Allah … AAAAAHHHHH!!!


To be continued …
