Mourning … Last part (11)

Mourning …

Last part (11)


Last but not least …


Let us reflect upon the following verses of Qur’an:


Qur’an 59:21 Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would certainly have seen it falling down, splitting asunder from the fear and reverential awe of Allah; and We set forth these parables to mankind that they may reflect.


Yet this Qur’an, the verses and their inner secrets …, the magnificent Word and Knowledge of Allah …, was entrusted to Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA):


Qur’an 16:44 … And We have sent to you (the Prophet) al-Dhekr (the Reminder) that you make clear to mankind what has been sent to them, and that haply they may reflect.


And the inner secrets and knowledge of Qur’an have continuously been sent to the twelve Infallible Allah-Chosen Successors of Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA), the twelve Infallible Imams (SBUT), in every Night of Qadr:


Qur’an 97 In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, surely We have sent it in the "Night of Qadr", and what has made you comprehend that which the Night of Qadr is, the Night of Qadr is superior to one thousand months, in it, Angels and the Spirit descend, by the Permission of their Lord, from all "Amr" (decrees, affairs, matters, …) a "Salaam", it is until the break of dawn. 



… The Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) was asked, whether the Night of Qadr was only for the time of the Prophet; the Prophet replied that the Night of Qadr would happen until the Judgment Day … The Prophet (SAWA) used to, while crying, recite the Surah Qadr and tell the people around him, including AbuBakr and ‘Umar, that his crying was due to his love for Hadrat ‘Ali (SBUH) and for all that he (SBUH) was going to observe after him, and that after him (SAWA) the angels and the Rooh would descent to ‘Ali (SBUH) and would bring him (SBUH) from all Amr … Imam Baaqer (SBUH) has told the Shi’ah to present argumentation to the opposers based on Surah of enna anzalna … for this Surah is the Hojjat and Proof of Allah for mankind after Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA) and the ultimate of the Knowledge of the Infallible Imams (SBUT) … and that this descending of angels does not occur unless to the Lords of the Amr, the twelve Infallible Imams (SBUT) … (Tafsir al-Majma’ al-Bayaan; al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 250; …)


… It has been only the 14 Infallible Ones (SBUT) who have been the lords of all Amr … the possessors of the absolute Allah-Bestowed Divine Wilayat … those to whom the Majid Qur’an has been entrusted …


The magnificence of these fourteen most sublime creations of Allah is indeed beyond the imagination of all other creations of Allah …


This is part of what Imam Reza (SBUH), in a lengthy Hadith recorded in Kafi Baab al-Naader wa al-Jaame' in Imam's virtues and attributes, has said regarding the Infallible Imam:


“… Intellects have deviated, intelligences have wandered, understandings have wondered, eyes have been closed by misery and lowness, great ones have become humiliated, sages have become perplexed, thinkers have fallen short (of comprehension), orators have got stuck, wise men have fallen into ignorance, poets have lost the ability to compose, literary persons have become impotent and eloquent people have become unable to describe (truly) one status and dignity of his (the Infallible Imam’s) dignities or one virtue of his virtues, and have confessed to their shortcomings and impotence.”


… When the 14 Infallible Ones (SBUT), with their free will, accepted this supreme responsibility which has been entrusted to them … as an inseparable consequence, they have also accepted to bear, wisely and patiently …, all the painful outcomes … all the painful reactions of evil humans, who with their free will have- arrogantly, selfishly, jealously …- been following Shaitan and his devils, and have been breaking their Covenant and thus have become so stone-hearted …


This is briefly what happened: … After the previous Prophets (SBUT) many of their people broke their Covenant including their allegiance to Allah-Bestowed Successorship and rejected the Successors of Prophets (SBUT); they also rejected the last Prophet and his Successors (SBUT) whom all Prophets had given Glad Tidings about and sought allegiance for (please refer to all E-books of this site including “Ghadir: Declaration of the Truth, from creation to eternity”, “Mohammad and AhlulBayt (SBUT), the Promise of Bible” and “Names and characteristics of Mohammad, ‘Ali, … and Mahdi (SBUT) in Jewish, Christian and Islamic documents”) … Allah thus have La’ned them and Divine Mercy and Compassion have been withheld from them and therefore they became so hard-hearted that they killed both the bodies and, so to speak, the pure teachings of Prophets and Successors (SBUT) and, stone-heartedly, have not been accepting and submitting to the Truth of Allah … and so has been the story of the people who after Hadrat Mohammad (SAWA) broke the Covenant of Divine Successorship:


Qur’an 5:13 But on account of their breaking their Covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard …


All Prophets gave the Glad Tidings regarding the last Prophet and his Successors (SBUT) and even sought allegiance for them … but a long time passed after the promise of the coming of the Last Prophet … and their hearts became harder and harder … and so is the story after the last Prophet … a long time has passed after the Promise of Appearance of Mahdi (SBUH) and hearts are becoming doubtful … hearts are becoming harder and harder; this has been the explanation of Imam Sadiq (SBUH) regarding the following verse, as recorded in Tafsirs such as Jaame’:


Qur’an 57:16 Has not the time yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for Dhekr of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And that they should not be like those who were given the Book before, but the time became prolonged to them, so their hearts hardened, and most of them are transgressors.


It is so very important to realize that the Infallible Ones (SBUT) truly have been suffering the actions of the people whose hearts have become hard due to their own deeds … the Prophet (SAWA) truly cried every time he recited the Surah Qadr for he knew what those stone-hearted people would do … he (SAWA) asked ‘Ali (SBUH) to adopt patience, an aimful and undefeated patience … so that as a result the Allah-Entrusted Truth might remain clear for seekers … Hadrat ‘Ali (SBUH) truly tolerated what they did and he adopted patience, an aimful and undefeated patience, although as if there was a thorn rankling in his eye and a bone sticking in his throat on seeing his Allah-Bestowed heritage being plundered … so that as a result the Allah-Entrusted Truth might remain clear for seekers … Hadrat Fatimah (SBUH) was truly crushed between that door and that wall, and her beloved Mohsen was truly sacrificed … Imam Hasan (SBUH) truly adopted an aimful and undefeated patience … so that as a result the Allah-Entrusted Truth might remain clear for seekers … Imam Hosain (SBUH) and his faithful family and companions truly suffered and were extremely thirsty and … ‘Ali son of Hosain … Mohammad son of ‘Ali … Ja’far son of Mohammad … Moosa son of Ja’far … ‘Ali son of Moosa … Mohammad son of ‘Ali … ‘Ali son of Mohammad … Hasan son of ‘Ali (SBUT) … and today truly Imam Mahdi (SBUH) is living a hard and lonely life away from cities and … upon his shoulders has been the Allah-Entrusted Truth … he too has adopted an aimful and undefeated patience … so that as a result the Allah-Entrusted Truth might remain clear for seekers …


AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! One must be extremely stone-hearted not to be touched by all this sacrifice … not to be moved by all this greatness … not to cry broken-heartedly … not to dislike and la’n and curse those who have inflicted so much pain on the most beautiful and beloved servants of the One and Only Allah … AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!


One must have a very hard heart to, ignorantly with passage of time, forget all this and not to remember the last, but not least, stage of the Covenant of Allah; i.e. the Covenant in regard to Hadrat Mahdi (SBUH), the Last Successor of the last Prophet, as stated in the Ziyarat of Aale-Yasyn:


“Salaam be upon you, O the Covenant of Allah, which He took it and He fastened it. Salaam be upon you, O the Promise of Allah which He has guaranteed it.”


… And how can we be so hard-hearted and not cry when the one who is the last Covenant, one who has been waiting so long, one who has been forsaken by many, Hadrat Mahdi (SBUH), has cried so much … as narrated in the Ziyarat al-Naahiya … he- while carrying on his shoulders what has been entrusted to him, while facing all hardships- has been crying and crying …:


“But as I (Imam Mahdi SBUH) have been hindered by the course of time, and (Allah’s) decree has prevented me from helping you (Imam Hosain SBUH), and as I could not fight those who fought you, and was not able to show hostility to those who showed hostility to you, I will, therefore, lament you morning and evening, and will weep blood in place of tears, out of my anguish for you and my sorrow for all that befell you, until I meet death from the pain of the catastrophe and the choking grief.”


Therefore, let us never forget that the Infallible Ones (SBUT) themselves have been servants of Allah seeking His Pleasedness … and Allah’s Pleasedness has been in preservation of His Truth, and in, justicefully, leaving no argumentation for enemies of Allah and the Truth of Allah, the Truth which sets humankind free … so they (SBUT)- while possessing Divine Knowledge and Power, yet performing as a servant of Allah would perform even if he did not know the outcome- in order to, in the midst of all shaitanic deceits, protect and preserve throughout the ages, that which has been entrusted to them,, have- broken-heartedly from people’s actions, and submissively before Allah- endured all the grave consequences so that as one result, the Truth of Allah may remain clear for those servants of Allah who desire Allah’s Pleasedness and their own salvation and felicity too …


Let us also keep in mind that this world is an arena of free will … i.e. while Allah SWT has the Power to stop any injustice but He- while being extremely displeased and wrathful with injustice and while He has Promised severe torment and punishment for injustice- has, justicefully, allowed (if He Wills) His creations to use their free will so that when it comes the time for Resurrection and Judgment there shall be no argumentation left …


… When it comes the time for Resurrection and Judgment, AbuBakr and ‘Umar can not say that if there was a woman in that house … if Fatimah (SBUH)- the only beloved daughter of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), about whom the Prophet (SAWA) had repeatedly said that her wrath and pleasedness was Allah’s Wrath and Pleasedness, and that anyone hurting her would hurt the Prophet and Allah …- was behind that door … if she was pregnant … they would have never burned and broken that door … they would have never pressed her between that wall and door … they would have never …


… When it comes the time for Resurrection and Judgment Mo’awiyah can not say that if Hadrat Hasan (SBUH) was the Allah-Chosen Imam and the son of Fatimah daughter of Mohammad (SBUT), he would have never lied and made all those deceitful plans …


… When it comes the time for Resurrection and Judgment, Harmalah and his chiefs can not say that if there was a thirsty infant in the camp of Imam Hosain (SBUH) they would have quenched the baby’s thirst … AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!


… When it comes the time for Resurrection and Judgment, Shemr- who heard the cry of Fatimah (SBUH) when he was inside that cavity cutting …- can not say that he did not know that Imam Hosain (SBUH) was the son of Fatimah daughter of Mohammad (SBUT) …


All those humanoids did what they did with their Allah-bestowed free will and they shall have no argumentation to present when it comes the time for Judgment, and all hard hearts which have been following their footsteps and have not been accepting and submitting to the Divine Wilayat bestowed upon Hadrat Mohammad and AhlulBayt (SBUT) will have no argumentation … so that:


Qur’an 8:42 … that he who would perish would perish by clear proof, and he who would live would live by clear proof …


Indeed … when it comes the time for Judgment those who denied and opposed the Wilayat of those upon whom Allah has bestowed His Wilayat, will confess to what they had done and will perish forever in Hell which they will confess themselves that they deserve …


Yes … when the AhlulBayt (SBUT) accepted the heavy responsibility of the Wilayat of Allah, they also accepted to face the actions of the enemies of Allah who with their free will have been trying to conceal and distort the Truth of Allah …


Let us reflect and ponder … if you and we are trying to follow the Truth of Allah … if you and we have the hope of having the Wilayat of the 14 Infallible Ones (SBUT) … if you and we are trying to be on the Straight Path of Allah … if you and we love Allah and His Chosen Ones (SBUT) … if you and we ever, with the Grace of Allah, achieve eternal Salvation … we owe it all to these fourteen Lights of Allah and all their sacrifices …


O the most Compassionate, the most Merciful, O the most loving Allah! With Your unlimited Grace and surely not based on our deservedness … for the sake of Your most beloved Mohammad and his Ahl (SBUT) … hasten the Appearance of Your beloved Mahdi (SBUH) who has, patiently for centuries, been carrying and protecting Your Wilayat and the Glorious Truth which You have entrusted to them … he who, so patiently with tearful eyes, has tolerated so much pain and loneliness … he who, so lovingly and benevolently, has been guiding Your people …




