Martyrdom of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) Part 4

Martyrdom of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA)

Part 4


So … according to sunni documents certain women force-fed the Prophet (SAWA) some thing … and the Prophet (SAWA) while pointing toward Habashah, said this was the work of the women from Habashah … and after the Prophet (SAWA) was force-fed he (SAWA) looked at Aisha and told her: Woe unto you …


Now let us explore Sunni documents to see where AbuBakr and thus his daughter ‘Aayisha (Aisha), and ‘Umar and thus his daughter Hafsa were actually from:


The Sunni historian ibn Athir Jazari in the book Usd al-Ghabah in regard to AbuBakr has written:


And his mother was Umm al-Khair Salma daughter of Sakhar son of ‘Aamir son of Ka’b son of Sa’d son of Taym ibn Murrah, and she was the daughter of the uncle of Abi Quhafa, and it has been said that her name was: Laili daughter of Sakhar son of ‘Aamir, Muhammad son of Sa’d has said this. Others have said that her name was Salma daughter of Sakhar son of ‘Aamir son of ‘Amr son of Ka’b son of Sa’d son of Taym, but this has no value for she would have been the daughter of the brother of Abi Quhafa, and among Arabs it was not customary to marry the daughter of their brothers. So the first opinion is more proper. Also there have been differences regarding AbuBakr’s name, some have said his name was ‘Abd al-Ka’ba then the Rasul of Allah (PBUH) named him Abdullah, some have said his family named him Abdullah, he has also been called ‘atiq.


(Usd al-Ghabah fi Ma’rifah al-Sahaba, vol. 3, p. 315, tahqiq: ‘Adil Ahmad al-Rifa’i, publisher: Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi Beirut Lebanon, al-Tab’a al-Oula (first edition) 1417 AH, 1996 CE)


The point to pay attention is that ibn Athir has said that some scholars have reported that AbuBakr’s mother was his own cousin, i.e. AbuBakr’s mother was the daughter of the brother of AbuBakr’s father. Ibn Athir’s reason to reject this report of their own scholars is that such an act was not accustomed among ‘Arabs.


Truly such an act and many other acts have never been customary among honorable families and individuals, ‘Arabs or non-‘Arabs … honor, decency and dignity are not based on race, color and … as the magnificent Qur’an states Allah has created different peoples that they may know one another, and the most honorable peoples in the sight of Allah are those who guard the most, against evil (49:13).


Here, let us present a thought-provoking question … were the horrible things done to Hazrat Muhammad, to Hazrat ‘Ali, to Hazrat Zahra, to Imam Hasan, to Imam Hosain and …, (SBUT) by Arabs, customary among Arabs?!!!


Any how … let us look at a few more sunni scholar reports regarding AbuBakr’s mother and father:


AbuBakr’s mother was Umm al-Khair, Salma daughter of Sakhar son of ‘Aamir son of ‘Amr son of Ka’b son of Sa’d son of Taym ibn Murrah …

Abdullah (AbuBakr) was son of Uthman son of ‘Aamir son of ‘Amr son of Ka’b son of Sa’d son of Taym …


(Majma’ al-Zawa’id al-Heysami, vol. 9, p. 40, Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiya, ‘Umdah al-Qari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, al-‘Ayni, vol. 15, p. 280, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, al-Mu’jam al-Kabir al-Tabarani, vol. 1, pp. 51, 52, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, al-Mu’jam al-Kabir al-Tabarani, vol. 9, p. 40, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, vol. 16, pp. 194, 195, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Muhammad son of Sa’d, vol. 3, p. 169, Dar Sadir, Tarikh Madinah Damishq, ibn ‘Asakir, vol. 30, p. 14, Dar al-Fikr, Usd al-Ghabah, ibn al-Athir, vol. 3, p. 205, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi)


In vol. 10, p. 11 of Majma’ al-Zawa’id al-Heysami, and al-Mu’jam al-Kabir al-Tabarani, vol. 9, p. 40, and … the narrator of this Hadith is said to be ‘Aayisha daughter of AbuBakr.


The sunni al-Tabarani reports in another narration that the name of AbuBakr was Abdullah son of Uthman son of ‘Aamir son of ‘Amr, and that he was present in the battle of Badr with the Rasool of Allah, and that his mother was Salma daughter of Sakhar son of ‘Aamir son of ‘Amr.


In the end of the narration it is stated:


رواه الطبرانی و إسناده حسن


Meaning: this is narrated by Tabarani and its chain of narrators is considered by sunni scholars to be from the category of “Hasan” (Good), a sunni Hadith category which is highly trusted by the sunni scholars.


(al-Mu’jam al-Kabir, vol. 1, p. 51, tahqiq: Hamdi ibn AbdulMajid al-Salafi, publisher: Maktaba al-Zahra, al-Musil, al-tab’a al-thaniya (2nd edition) 1404 AH, 1983 CE, Majma’ al-Zawa’id wa manba’ al-fawa’id, vol. 9, p. 40, publisher: Dar al-Kitab al-‘Arabi, Cairo, 1407 AH)


So all these sunni scholars and more …, who are highly respected by the sunni, report that AbuBakr’s mother was the daughter of the brother of AbuBakr’s father …


Allah knows best …


Now let us look at a few more sunni hadiths:


Abu Quhafa, AbuBakr’s father, and his sons were of the slaves of Abdullah bin Jada’an and their origin was from Habashah, and when AbuBakr was freed from slavery, he was named ‘Atiq.


(al-Tabaqat, vol. 3, p. 17)


Abdullah bin Jada’an was the owner of the largest center for producing children. He owned tens of female slaves whom he used to present to men to become pregnant from, then he used to sell the children to the fathers or to others.


(mukhtasar Tarikh Damishq, ibn Manzoor, vol. 5, p. 254, al-Ma’arif, ibn Qutaybah, p. 576, Muruj al-dhahab, ibn Mas’udi al-Shafi’i, vol. 2, p. 282)


Ibn Mas’udi al-Shafi’i, a Muslim historian in Muruj al-Dhahab vol. 2, p. 249 has reported that AbuBakr was a tall man with black complexion.


Of course as mentioned before, honor, decency and dignity are not based on race, color and … Bilal one of the most beloved and honored companions of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) was Habashi … here we are only trying to establish the origin of AbuBakr and thus his daughter ‘Aayisha (Aisha) …


It is also noteworthy to mention that according to the Webster’s unabridged dictionary the name “Aisha” is from a Swahili word. And based on the same source, Swahili is referred to Bantu people of Zanzibar and the neighboring coast of Africa. The Bantu people, according to Webster, are the Negroid peoples in central and southern Africa. And the Negroids are the peoples traditionally classified as the Negro race. And the Negro race, the dictionary clarifies, is one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, generally marked by brown to black skin pigmentation, dark eyes, and woolly or crisp hair and including esp. the indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara.


Also … Habashah was an ancient region in Africa, situated in modern-day Eritrea and Ethiopia (Abyssinia).


In addition … as we, in The article: the Najran Pact, Mobaahelah (Mubahilah), Part 3 (also in the E-book with the same name) in this site:, have established the origin of Umayya, similarly here it is noteworthy to mention that according to the customs among the preIslam Arabs, many times slaves were adopted by their owners and consequently their owners were called as their fathers. I.e. in the same manner which Umayya the Roman slave of ‘Abd Shams whom he freed and adopted, and was thus being called Umayya son of ‘Abd Shams, the aforementioned sunni hadiths present the strong possibility that AbuBakr was also a freed Habashi slave who was later attributed to his owner and was thus considered as descendants of Taym, i.e. of the Banu Taym clan of Quraysh …


It is also noteworthy to mention that this custom was later abrogated by Islam; when the verses 4 & 5 of Surah Ahzab (33) were revealed, from then on calling adopted children by the names of those who adopted them was prohibited:


Qur’an 33:4 … Nor has He made those whom you assert to be your sons your real sons; these are the words of your mouths; and Allah speaks the truth and He guides to the Path. Qur’an 33:5 Call them by (the names of) their fathers …


So … based on these sunni documents, it seems that AbuBakr and thus Aisha were originally from Habashah … if this is so, this would mean that Aisha was indeed one of the women from Habashah who force-fed the Prophet (SAWA), and thus the Prophet (SAWA) told her: Woe unto you …


If this is so, this would also mean that the claim that AbuBakr was from the clan of Banu Taym from the ‘Arab tribe of Quraysh can seriously go under question …


If this is so, this would mean that the non-Quraishi AbuBakr could not become a successor of the Prophet (SAWA), for, according to sunni documents there were to be twelve Caliphs after the Prophet (SAWA), and all of them were to be from Quraish …


Here is a sample sunni Hadith:


Narrated Jabir bin Samura: I heard Muhammad saying, "The (Islamic) religion will continue until the Hour (day of resurrection), having twelve caliphs for you, all of them will be from Quraysh."


(Sahih Muslim: Book 020: Number 4477, 4478, 4480, 4481, 4482, 4483) 


For many more sunni Hadiths in this regard, including Hadiths specifying the clan of Banu Hashim of the Quraish tribe, please refer to chapter 6 of the E-book “Names and characteristics of Mohammad, ‘Ali, … and Mahdi (SBUT) in Jewish, Christian and Islamic documents” in this site:


To be continued … 
